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Thursday, November 24, 2022

Nichiren on associating with slanderers

 "Neither Buddhas nor gods would ever accept contributions from those who slander the correct teaching. Then how can we human beings accept them? The deity of Kasuga Shrine5 proclaimed through an oracle that he would accept nothing from those with impure hearts, though he should have to eat the flames of burning copper; that he would refuse to set foot in their homes, though he should have to sit on red-hot copper. He would rather come down to a miserable hut with weeds choking the passageway, or to a poor thatched house. He declared that he would never visit persons lacking in faith, even if they hung sacred festoons for a thousand days to welcome him, but that he would go to a house where the people have a mind of faith, even though they might be in mourning for a parent. Lamenting that slanderers have overrun this country, the benevolent gods have abandoned it and ascended to heaven. “Those with impure hearts” means those who refuse to embrace the Lotus Sutra, as is stated in the fifth volume of the sutra. If the gods themselves regard alms from slanderers as more abominable than the flames of burning copper, how could we human beings possibly accept them? If someone were to kill our parents and then try to offer us some gift, could we possibly accept it? Not even wise persons or sages can avoid the hell of incessant suffering if they accept offerings from slanderers. Nor should you associate with slanderers, for if you do, you will share the same guilt as they. This you should fear above all." - Letter to Nikke

"A woman who makes offerings to such a Gohonzon invites happiness in this life, and in the next, the Gohonzon will be with her and protect her always. Like a lantern in the dark, like a strong guide and porter on a treacherous mountain path, the Gohonzon will guard and protect you, Nichinyo, wherever you go. Therefore, you should take every care to ward off slanderers of the Law in the same way that you would never wish a courtesan even to come near your home. This is the meaning of “Thrust aside evil friends and associate with good companions.” - The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon

"Be that as it may, one should understand that, at present, when it comes to teachers, there is a difference between correct teachers and erroneous teachers, between good teachers and bad teachers. One should shun those who are erroneous or evil, and associate with those who are correct and good. Even if their virtue is known throughout the country and their wisdom is as bright as the sun and moon, one should recognize that teachers who slander the Lotus Sutra are evil teachers and erroneous teachers, and refrain from approaching them. A sutra warns us on this point, “If there are slanderers of the Law, one should not dwell with them. If one draws near them and dwells with them, one will be bound for the Avīchi hell.” - Letter to Sairen-bo


  1. Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu, members and those who support them are evil companions and should be avoided.

  2. it seems pretty clear to me.......I the late 60's and early 70's sgi also taught this. however, by the middle 70's these teachings were long gone. horrible karma.

  3. in the late 60's.....

  4. witch hunting ?
    or just crusty old bigots chewing the fat ?

  5. funny, not so funny ....SGI/Nst cannot speak of the teachings. criminal.

    1. no, you cannot speak decently to others so therefore you have no idea what any of us is talking about
      maybe it’s just you who can’t engage respectfully?
      seems like all you do is pound your personal perspective and degrade anyone who isn’t on board
      right or wrong, you fail to persuade because you disrespect others
      makes you a phony baloney
      and a foul mouthed one at that

    2. Who is the one not speaking decently to others? Without a mirror, you perceive the forceful practice to be indecent. You would be amazed at how many people I have helped to wake up from their SGI cult stupor. Even if I dont wake up a single person, the truth of what I say about the sGI can not be burnt by fire nor washed away with water. Many have and will wake up by reading the Lotus sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren, particularly, the Five Major writings. Besides, why don't you address the psot? Do you think that SGI interfaith is not slander? Do you think that Shingon mentor-disciple that Toda calls Yuiga Yoga (or Guru Yoga) is not slander of the Law? Do you think SGI Bushido, follow no matter what is not slander?

    3. I believe ALL born in the degenerative age have slandered and are prone to it. I work on me first - after 40 years still not inclined to call anyone else a slanderer but always and forever will make tons of effort to share daimoku and behave like a real bodhisattva. Guess what? When ALL are deluded , NONE can judge others .
      If only all religions and spiritual practicing folks would just adhere to that one GREAT TRUTH.
      You claiming to have “ superior sight” is bogus

    4. Then you are not a parent to the slanderer, failing to correct their slander. This is what Nichiren teaches. Perhaps you don't have enough compassion to correct slander.

    5. “ slanderers” are people, individual humans possessing the Buddha nature, perhaps you lack the humanity to view others thru the lens of the mystic law ? I would consider your pronouncement to be a type of slander - disregarding the essential teaching itself as you degrade and group people into a monolith of fools.

  6. Ad Hominem or cult cult "Bull Baiting" much? Can you address or comment on the post. What is your view of slander? Do you agree with Nichiren regarding the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra? Do you know what Fuju Fuse is? Never giving nor receiving donations from slanderers. If Ikeda or the High priest teaches contrary to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren can they be considered good teachers? Nichiren teaches in the Opening of the Eyes that even an advanced Bodhisattva, if he fails to preach with the Lotus Sutra in hand, we should not listen to them. What do you think???

    1. trust the Law in my own life and encourage others to do the same
      don’t look outside myself to judge and criticize
      just look for ways I can benefit others
      no cause to preach when the teaching is so perfect and personal
      maybe you just don’t have deep faith in the teaching itself?
      say that because you act like you have attained status I contend no one has
      in SGI we politely disregard arrogant leaders
      or we try to engage each other to increase understanding
      community is caring and chanting
      never encountered any writing that stipulates believers need to believe what you preach
      fine if you can or want to study in depth
      chanting is the essential thing
      living with respect and thoughtfulness towards others is actual proof
      that’s following nichiren
      you aren’t fooling anyone but yourself acting this way

    2. hey look at the pep boys sporting for a fraught with peril sequel
      they like playing rough / stoking animosity / crying persecution when they’re shut down
      move on and get with the present
      no one is going to roll in the mud with you old timers
      after a few decades most believers are actually better people
      kinder, wiser, more thoughtful , honest and sincere
      word on the street is you two are still as raunchy as you eve4 were
      maybe worse

    3. Why dont you comment on the post? There will always be those who read the Lotus Sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren who will wake up from their SGI stupor. I did at forty years old and there are others who do so in their teens, twenties and thirties. That you have failed to wake up at your ripe age is a tragedy.

    4. SGI stupor ? More Markisms? I woke up from giving any credence to your vitriol years ago and was never in a stupor when practicing in SGI. But, hey — how would you know?
      Your personal feelings are what guides your perceptions. I figured that out through personal contact with your ranting self !

  7. best part of this practice is not needing a freaking preacher
    love that the Buddha advised against following persons
    in sgi you’ll hear many opinions but ultimately it’s each of us in front of our own Gohonzon-
    alone when we come and go from this threefold world
    and every crucial moment in between / it’s the law that saves us , or rather our faith in it .
    it’s that simple

  8. Bologna. Now go sing a few bars of Forever Sensei, have a prayer meeting with the Muslims and become like Shinichi Yamamoto. You will feel better.

    1. Awww sweetie, why are you so angry ?

    2. So you hate Muslims , SGI and mock others on their path as a way of demonstrating that you have no moral compass or faith in the essential teaching . Got it

  9. No, I hate the teaching of the Q'uran which has 119 passages of violence including torture for infidels. Compare and contrast the Q'uran with the Lotus Sutra which has not one exhortation to kill, let alone torture. You don't even understand the Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds, the World of Anger within the World of Bodhisattva and Buddha, It is a type of righteous anger. Nichiren exhibited righteous anger quite a bit. I am especially angry towards those who possess nuclear weapons and Japan which lies to its people about the present and future effects of Fukushima. Lets not forget, the CEO of TEPCO is SGI and vice president of Soka Gakkai. Cause and effect.

  10. Haters never amount to much 💁‍♀️

  11. And you showed your anger toward president Zelensky for not capitulating to Putin, notorious terrorist / war criminal ! Your self righteous rhetoric is almost as repugnant as your hate speech !

  12. I have answered you with a recent post and with some comments utilizing the On Prolonging Life writing.
