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Monday, November 28, 2022

Nichiren was almost killed for teaching thus while SGI is loathe to teach this.

"Shakyamuni is the original teacher for all people, as well as their sovereign and their parent. Because I have expounded this teaching, I have been exiled and almost killed. As the saying goes: "Good advice is harsh to the ear." But still I am not discouraged. The Lotus Sutra is like the seed, the Buddha like the sower and the people like the field. If you go against these principles, in your next lifetime, not even I, Nichiren, can save you."

Perhaps Soka Gakkai members are cowards or do they follow a bad teacher?


  1. Gohonzon IS the eternal Buddha
    Daimoku is the essential perfect teaching
    Chant to the Gohonzon assiduously
    All your bases will be covered
    That’s the secret mark hopes you never find out 😉

  2. ❤️ SGI
    Learned to chant there. You did too, right?
    Established my own altar with their help. Did and still meet people who encourage and support me. Not perfect . Problems ? Oh yeah! But we work out our issues and struggle together . Just had to come here and say this site is poison but we are not discouraged. We expect obstacles and to be criticized .
    Mark is on his path and will learn according to his faith or misunderstand if he follows his own mind.

    1. Please look up auspicious causation and get back to us. good by the inch and evil by the yard is SGI.SGI is also teaching us to embrace the Shingon teaching of mentor and disciple and interfaith, rather than the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. Move on, chant a few bars of Forever Sensei and strive to become the fictional character,Shinichi Yamamoto. I will strive to become Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.

  3. For one who constantly talks about Nichiren , Mark couldn’t be further from displaying exemplary humanity as was Nichiren’s basic nature,
    We all need lots more compassion , kindness , and knowledge of our times. Listen more and preach less💁‍♀️

  4. Apparently you have no idea about Nichiren's humanity, failing to comprehend Nichiren's forceful practice (shakubuku). Let us discuss the reality of our times, including the reality of the Soka Gakkai, the Nichiren Shoshu, and the Nichiren Shu. It is you who is running from reality, not I.

  5. Your perception of Nichiren is your own karma (Buddhism 101) compounded with your apparent lack of regard for the time and country he lived in are impediments to having an open, rational discussion . Your thinking is rigid, your attitude reflects your belief that you and only you are correct.
    Bells and whistles !
    Not the behavior of one who embraces and believes in the mystic law.

  6. If Nichiren were alive today reading marks posts here on his blog and marks comments , he would definitely troll him.
    And I, being a good believer , would be inclined toward the troll v. the blogger.
