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Thursday, November 24, 2022

On this Thanksgiving day, let us give gratitude to the Master of Teachings, Lord Shakya of the Original Doctrine as did Nichiren. Joy will overflow your body and the pain of your heart will suddenly cease

 "Having thus undoubtedly regretted and reversed his previous teachings, he made clear his true intention, saying, “The World-Honored One has long expounded his doctrines and now must reveal the truth,” and “For long he remained silent regarding the essential, in no hurry to speak of it at once.” Thereupon Many Treasures Buddha sprang forth from beneath the earth and added his testimony that what Shakyamunihad said is true, and the Buddhas of the ten directions assembled in the eight directions and reached with their long broad tongues to the palace of the great heavenly king Brahmā in testament. All the beings of the two worlds and the eight groups, who were gathered at the twoplaces and the three assemblies, without a single exception witnessed this. 

In light of the above sutra passages, setting aside evil people and non-Buddhists who do not believe in Buddhism, with regard to those who, though Buddhist believers, have devout faith in provisional teachings preached before the Lotus Sutra such as the Nembutsu, and devote themselves to reciting it ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, or as many as sixty thousand times a day without chanting Namu-myoho-renge-kyo even once in the course of ten or twenty years, are they not like a person who, clinging to the transfer deed already nullified by his parent, refuses to accept its revised version? They may appear to others as well as to themselves to have faith in the Buddha’s teachings, but if we go by what the Buddha actually taught, they are unfilial people. 

This is why the second volume of the Lotus Sutra states: “But now this threefold world is all my domain, and the living beings in it are all my children. Now this place is beset by many pains and trials. I am the only person who can rescue and protect others, but though I teach and instruct them, they do not believe or accept my teachings.” 

This passage means that to us living beings the Thus Come One Shakyamuni is our parent, our teacher, and our sovereign. AlthoughAmida, Medicine Master, and other Buddhas are sovereigns to us living beings, they are neither parents nor teachers. Shakyamuni is the only Buddha endowed with all three virtues and to whom we owe a profound debt of gratitude. There are parents and parents, yet none of them can equal Shakyamuni Buddha. There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he is. Could those who disobey the teaching of this parent, teacher, and sovereign possibly not be abandoned by the heavenly gods and the earthly deities? They are the most unfilial of all children. It is for this reason that the Buddha said, “Though I teach and instruct them, they do not believe or accept my teachings.” Even if they follow the sutras preached before the Lotus and practice them for a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, or a million kalpas, if they do not believe in the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo even once, they will be unfilial. They will therefore be abandoned by the sacred ones of the three existences and the ten directions, and hated by both the heavenly gods and the earthly deities. (This is the first of the five guides for propagation.) -- Encouragement to a Sick Person 

"And on another occasion the little retreat where I was living, where I had enshrined a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha as the object of devotion, and where I stored the texts of the various sutras, was attacked and destroyed, and the statue of the Buddha and sutra texts were not only trampled upon, but thrown into the mud and filth. And a scroll of the Lotus Sutra, which I had placed in the breast of my robe, was snatched forth and I was mercilessly beaten over the head with it. These heinous crimes were carried out not because of any ancient enmity harbored against me or because of any offense I had recently committed, but solely because I worked to propagate the teachings of the Lotus Sutra." 

"Shakyamuni Buddha, our father and mother, who is endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher and parent, is the very one who encourages us, the people driven out by all other Buddha, saying, "I alone can save them." The debt of gratitude we owe him is deeper than the ocean, weightier than the earth, vaster than the sky. Though we were to pluck out our two eyes and place them before him as an offering until there were more eyes there than stars in the sky, though we were to strip off our skins and spread them out by the hundreds of thousands of ten thousands until they blanketed the ceiling of heaven, though we were to give him our tears as offerings of water and present him with flowers for the space of a hundred billion kalpas, though we were to offer him our flesh and blood for innumerable kalpas, until our flesh piled up like mountains and our blood overflowed like vast seas, we could never repay a fraction of the debt we owe to this Buddha! (MW vol. 4, The Learned Doctor Shan-wu-wei) 

"However, later seeking and entering the deep cave, you see a single hermitage. The voices of the reading and reciting of the Hokekyo echo against blue heaven and the words of discussing the doctrine of the One Vehicle are heard in the midst of the mountains. Informing [them, of your presence and requesting] admittance, you enter the chamber, place your mother's bones before the Master of Teachings Lord Shakya, cast your five limbs to the ground, press your palms together, and opening your two eyes, look up to the Holy Face: joy overflows your body and the pain of your heart suddenly ceases." (On Forgetting Ones Copy Of The Lotus Sutra, NOPPA Translation) 


  1. joy arises from merely reciting myoho renge kyo-
    how could that be ?
    before ever hearing the Buddha’s name !
    unless the Law and the Buddha are one and the same .

    1. no , because myoho renge Kyo are not magic words. there is no magic in buddhism. grow up. it starts with the heart ! you may study this and discover it for yourself. good luck.

    2. Joy, trashing the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin with SGI slander? Be careful, the last moment of your life may not be so joyful.

  2. the Buddha is One with the Law
    means praise , reverence for both when we chant Myoho Renge Kyo
    Mystical not magical
    Heartfelt prayers for you to ease off the biting attacks and appreciate the uniqueness of each believer ❤️

  3. SGI members are told to have gratitude for the mentor. In fact they are exhorted to become Shinichi Yamamoto, not Shakyamuni Buddha. Who are you kidding? Certainly not me.

    1. never really got that as you play out here
      i am encouraged to be my best self bring forth my full potential
      no desire to be shakyamuni or ikeda but that doesn't mean i can't show respect for them
      why are you so glaringly sarcastic?
      i think you degrade what you claim to revere acting this way
      but that's just my take
      no actually it is the take of every sgi member i know who has viewed your site bro

  4. "It is hard not to write Satire. For who is so tolerant of the unjust, so steeled, that he can restrain himself..."-- From Juvenal

    I show respect for those who preach with Sutra in hand as prescribed by Nichiren. I have no respect for those who recast the teachings in accordance with the people's capacity rather than in accordance with the Buddha’s enlightenment, what the Buddha (and Nichiren) preach directly from the world of Buddhahood "just as a sage father guides his ignorant son to his own understanding." - From a Comparison of the Lotus Sutra and Other Sutras.I have no respect for Ikeda. You may not want to be Shinichi Yamamoto but this is apparently the Goal of hundreds of thousands of SGI members, if not millions. Easy on the Ad Hominem please, if you are capable.
