Tuesday, December 27, 2022

According to the Nichiren Shoshu and SGI the Lotus Sutra is no longer valid in the Latter Day

“The meaning of this passage is that those who obtained benefit during the Former and Middle Days of the Law received “conspicuous” benefit, because the relationship they formed with the Lotus Sutra during the lifetime of the Buddha had finally matured. On the other hand, those born today in the Latter Day of the Law receive the seeds of Buddhahood for the first time, and their benefit is therefore “inconspicuous.” — Nichiren from Teaching, Practice, and Proof

SGI background states:

“..In this letter, Nichiren Daishonin states that Shakyamuni’s teachings no longer lead to enlightenment in the Latter Day of the Law, and that only Namu-myoho-renge-kyo combines the three elements of teaching, practice, and proof essential to making Buddhism viable.”

An SGI member regurgitates this misunderstanding:

“In this passage Nichiren states that those who lived in the Former and the Middle day of the Law were able to attain Buddhahood through their relationship with the Lotus Sutra of Shakyamuni and his disciples who have been born together, their cause have matured as the effect accumulated from past existences therefore their harvested benefit is conspicuous since they share the same heriage. However, those who are born in the Latter Day of the Law are no longer connected to Shakyamuni’s harvested enlightenment and are receiving the seed of Buddhahood hidden in the depth of Lotus Sutra for the first time through the very Law that all Buddhas have attained throughout time and space revealed by Nichiren Daishonin being Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.”

Nichiren, on the other hand, goes on to correct this non sequitor:

Answer: The above-mentioned commentary states that such an interpretation of the last five-hundred-year period is “superficial.” From a more profound viewpoint, the Lotus Sutra will spread throughout the ten thousand years of the Latter Day. The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai comments on the previously quoted sutra passage, stating: “It is not only the people who live during the Buddha’s lifetime who obtain great benefits. In the last five hundred year period, the mystic way will spread and benefit humankind far into the future.” Does this annotation suggest anything other than the ten thousand years of the Latter Day of the Law? The “Distinctions in Benefits” chapter in the sixth volume of the Lotus Sutra states, “In the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law if there is someone who can uphold this sutra . . . .” Also the “Peaceful Practices” chapter reads, “In the Latter Day of the Law, if one wishes to preach this sutra . . .” These quotations refer to [the propagation of the Lotus Sutra in] the ten thousand years of the Latter Day of the Law. All the Buddha’s teachings other than the Lotus Sutra are covered by his declaration: “In these more than forty years, I have not yet revealed the truth.” Moreover, there are some cases where the sutras have been revised according to the understanding of those who compiled them and therefore cannot be trusted.”

SGI and the above mentioned SGI member have revised the teachings and can not be trusted. Let us look at the most important Gosho, The True Object of Worship to see if what SGI teaches accords with the mind of Nichiren:

“People can attain enlightenment in two ways: by meeting the Buddha and hearing the Lotus Sutra, or by believing in the sutra even though they do not meet the Buddha…” [Writings of Nichiren Daishonin page 359]

Nichiren goes on to say:

“It is evident that the Revelation of Eternity was preached for the sake of those who live at the beginning of the period of Deprivation. In this respect, we are as fortunate as those who heard the Buddha in person, the difference is, they brought to fruition Buddhahood by hearing the ‘One Chapter and Two Halves’, while we are endowed with the seeds of Buddhahood by receiving the Five Words.” (Five Major Writings of Nichiren, Kanjin No Honzon Sho, NOPPA pg 370)

Again, we see that it is always the Lotus Sutra that leads to Enlightenment but the practice of the Lotus Sutra differs according to the age. The seed of Buddhahood is always Shakyamuni Buddha's Myoho renge kyo [Lotus Sutra]..

The practice of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter day is Namu Myoho renge kyo, not singing silly songs to Sensei or deprecating the Lotus Sutra by teaching that it is no longer valid in Mappo.

"I have accordingly quoted the passages from the Lotus Sutra that read, 'In the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law if there is someone who can uphold this sutra . . . ,' 'in the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish . . . ,' and 'they [the Buddhas] make certain that the Law will long endure' in order to demonstrate the error [of believing that the Lotus Sutra has lost its effectiveness]. " -- Nichiren

But in order to assert that the Lotus Sutra has lost its effectiveness, the SGI often cites the following passage from Reply to Lord Ueno:

"Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment. Only Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can do so. This is not my own judgment. Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the bodhisattvas who emerged from the earth as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds have so determined it. To mix other practices with this Namu-myoho-renge-kyo is a grave error. A lantern is useless when the sun rises. How can dewdrops be beneficial when the rain falls? Should one feed a newborn baby anything other than its mother's milk? No addition of other medicines is needed with a good medicine. Somehow this woman remained true to this principle, and continued to uphold her faith until the last moment of her life. How admirable, how worthy!

With my deep respect,

The first day of the fourth month in the first year of Koan (1278)

The Soka Gakkai takes the Gosho out of context in order to debase the Lotus Sutra. What this does to their believers, their minds of faith, and to the teachings, is unpardonable. 

The One Great Secret Law is Namu Myoho renge kyo. This is the teachings of Soka Gakkai, the Nichiren Shu, and the Kempon Hokke. The Nichiren Shoshu teaches that the One Great Secret Law is the DaiGohonzon. I will leave aside for the moment who is correct about the One Great Secret Law. Every last Nichiren Buddhist, from the newest member to the most experienced knows that there is no practice in the Latter Day other than chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo. SGI's oft repeated argument implying that the Nichiren Shu, the Honmon Butsuryu Shu, and the other Nichiren practitioners, neither practice nor understand the import of Namu myoho renge, is nothing but a straw man argument. It is a logical fallacy.

Lord Ueno is none other the young samurai, Nanjo Tokimitsu. This writing is from 1278 in response to offerings he received from Lord Ueno and in memorium for the death of Lord Ueno's niece. Here the Daishonin is stating that Namu Myoho renge kyo is the practice for the Latter Day. We read in an earlier part of this letter [which SGI members never cite] :

"After Many Treasures Buddha had closed the door of the treasure tower and the other Buddhas had returned to their original lands, not even Shakyamuni Buddha himself could have denied the Lotus Sutra, whatever other sutras he might have expounded in an effort to do so, because the other Buddhas had all joined in affirming its truth. That is why in the Universal Worthy and Nirvana sutras, which follow the Lotus Sutra, the Lotus Sutra is praised but never disparaged. Nonetheless, priests like Shan-wu- wei of the True Word school and the founders of the Zen school have repudiated the Lotus Sutra, and the entire Japanese nation has now taken faith in their teachings, just like those who were deceived by the rebels Masakado and Sadato. Japan is now on the brink of ruin because it has for many years been the archenemy of Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, and the Buddhas of the ten directions, and in addition, the person who denounces these errors is persecuted. Because such offenses thus accumulate one atop another, our nation will soon incur the wrath of heaven."

On the one hand we see that repudiating the Lotus Sutra is a cause for falling into hell and on the other hand we read that, "neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment". How does one resolve this seeming paradox? Nichiren Daishonin writes in the True Object of Worship (Kanjin No Honzon Sho):

"Answer: This is a matter that is difficult to believe and difficult to understand. T’ien-t’ai defined two points that are “difficult to believe and difficult to understand.” One lies in the realm of doctrinal teachings and the other in the realm of meditative practice. With regard to the former, in the sutras preached before the Lotus Sutra we read that persons of the two vehicles and icchantikas, or persons of incorrigible disbelief, are forever barred from attaining Buddhahood, and that Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, attained enlightenment for the first time in this world. Nevertheless, we find that the theoretical and the essential teachings of the Lotus Sutra repudiate both these statements. One Buddha who says two things as opposite as fire and water— who could believe him? This is the point that is “difficult to believe and difficult to understand” in the realm of doctrinal teachings.

The point that is “difficult to believe and difficult to understand” in the realm of meditative practice, concerns the principle of the hundred worlds and thousand factors and that of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which explains that even insentient beings are endowed with the ten factors of life, and that they are endowed with both material and spiritual aspects.":

Thus we see that Nanjo Tokimitsu was confused by the Tientai practice of the Lotus Sutra that was prevalent in Nichiren Daishonin's day. The Lotus Sutra is practiced differently according to the time. Here Nichiren is talking about Tientai's Lotus Sutra teachings and practice. The Lotus Sutra itself must never be disparaged, contrary to the slanderous Soka Gakkai teachings. Disparaging the Lotus Sutra is why their members suffer in the Great Citadel of Hell, why Japan is on the verge of ruin, and why their teachings lead people into the Lower Three Worlds.

One can not read the entirety of the writings, especially the Five Major Writings, and perceive that Nichiren Daishonin disparaged the Lotus Sutra. Soka Gakkai practitioners are evil people, according to Nichiren Daishonin. 

In conclusion, for the one or two passages in the entire Nichiren Canon that SEEMS to disparage the Lotus Sutra, there are nearly four thousand passages praising the Lotus Sutra. Here are some examples:

"As for the person who slanders the Lotus Sutra, though he may not be serious at heart, if he so much as manifests the outward appearance of animosity, disparages the sutra even in jest, or makes light, not of the sutra itself, but of those who act in its name, then, the sutra says, he will fall into the hell of incessant suffering for countless kalpas of the kind described above." - On Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sin

"After Many Treasures Buddha had closed the door of the treasure tower and the other Buddhas had returned to their original lands, not even Shakyamuni Buddha himself could have denied the Lotus Sutra, whatever other sutras he might have expounded in an effort to do so, because the other Buddhas had all joined in affirming its truth. That is why in the Universal Worthy and Nirvana sutras, which follow the Lotus Sutra, the Lotus Sutra is praised but never disparaged." - The Teaching for the Latter Day

"Yet there are Buddhist scholars in Japan today who cast aside the Lotus Sutra and instead devote themselves exclusively to practicing the invocation of Amida Buddha’s name. There are others who teach the Hinayana precepts and speak contemptuously of the priests [who were ordained with the Mahayana precepts] on Mount Hiei, as well as those who present what they describe as a separate transmission outside the sutras, disparaging the correct doctrine of the Lotus Sutra. Such persons may surely be said to misunderstand the time. They are like the monk Superior Intent who slandered Bodhisattva Root of Joy, or the Scholar Gunaprabha who behaved with contempt toward Bodhisattva Maitreya, thus inviting the terrible sufferings of the Avīchi hell." - The Teaching, Capacity, Time and Country

"It was such an august and precious Lotus Sutra that in past existences I put under my knees, despised, scowled upon in disgust, and failed to believe in. In one way or another, I maliciously ridiculed those who, studying the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, taught them to even one person, and carried on the life of the Law. In addition, I did everything I could to hinder people from embracing the sutra by asserting that they should set it aside for a while because, though it might be suitable for practice in their next lifetime, it would be too difficult to practice in this one. Slanderous acts such as these have brought on the many severe persecutions I have suffered in my lifetime. Because I once disparaged the Lotus Sutra, the highest of all sutras, I am now looked down on, and my words go unheeded. The “Simile and Parable” chapter states that other people will neither concern themselves with one nor have sympathy for one, even though one sincerely tries to be friendly with them." - The Sufferings of Birth and Death are Nirvana

"The second of the two important matters is that I feel intense grief. The fourth volume of the Lotus Sutra states: “If there should be an evil person who, his mind destitute of goodness, should for the space of a kalpa appear in the presence of the Buddha and constantly curse and revile the Buddha, that person’s offense would still be rather light. But if there were a person who spoke only one evil word to curse or defame the lay persons or monks or nuns who read and recite the Lotus Sutra, then his offense would be very grave.” When I read this and similar passages, my belief is aroused, sweat breaks out from my body, and tears fall from my eyes like rain. I grieve that, by being born in this country, I have caused so many of its people to create the worst karma possible in a lifetime. Those who beat and struck Bodhisattva Never Disparaging came to repent of it while they were alive; yet, even so, their offenses were so difficult to expiate that they fell into the Avīchi hell and remained there for a thousand kalpas. But those who have done me harm have not yet repented of it even in the slightest." - The Four Debts of Gratitiude

"Is Nichiren not the votary of the Lotus Sutra? Are the voice-hearers protecting those who disparage the Lotus Sutra as a mere written teaching and who put forth their great lies about what they call a special transmission? Are they guarding those who write “Discard, close, ignore, abandon!” urging people to close the gate to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and to throw away its scrolls, and who cause the ruin of the temples dedicated to the practice of the Lotus Sutra? The various heavenly deities swore before the Buddha to protect the votary of the Lotus Sutra, but now that they see how fierce are the great persecutions of this muddied age, do they fail to come down? The sun and the moon are still up in the sky. Mount Sumeru has not collapsed. The ocean tides ebb and flow, and the four seasons proceed in their normal order. Why then is there no sign of aid for the votary of the Lotus Sutra? My doubts grow deeper than ever." - The Opening of the Eyes

"The claim that T’ien-t’ai stole the doctrine of the five flavors, which is expounded in the Six Pāramitās Sutra, and made it a part of the teaching of his own school, is a charge made by the Great Teacher Kōbō, one that is wholly false and without basis. I say this because T’ien-t’ai in fact derived the doctrine of the five flavors from the Nirvana Sutra, not from the Six Pāramitās Sutra at all. The Six Pāramitās Sutra was not introduced to China until the fourth year of the Chen-yüan p.369era [788], or 190 years after the death of T’ien-t’ai, so how could T’ien-t’ai even have seen it? That completely false assertion is the work of the Great Teacher Kōbō.

All of the statements of the Six Pāramitās Sutra represent the teaching set forth when Shakyamuni had “not yet revealed the truth.” It is utterly absurd to think one can use them to disparage the Lotus Sutra!" - On the Relative Superiority of the True Word and Tendai School

"In the Hinayana sutras, the principle of nirvana of no remainder is “king,” and in comparison to the Hinayana precepts and meditation, the Hinayana wisdom is king. In the Mahayana sutras, the principle of the Middle Way is king. In the Flower Garland Sutra, the principle of the perfect fusion and unity of all phenomena is king. In the Wisdom sutras the principle of non-substantiality is king, while in the Great Collection Sutra the guarding of the correct Law is king. The Medicine Master Sutra is king among the sutras that describe the special vows taken by the Buddha Medicine Master; the Two-Volumed Sutra is king among the sutras that describe the forty-eight vows of the Buddha Amida; and the Mahāvairochana Sutra is king among the sutras that describe mudras and mantras. But none of these is the king of all the sutras preached during the Buddha’s lifetime. The Lotus Sutra is the great king of all the ultimate doctrines expounded in all the sutras, such as supreme truth and worldly truth, the three truths of non-substantiality, temporary existence, and the Middle Way, mudras and mantras, the principle of the unconditioned, the twelve great vows, and the forty-eight vows. To understand this is to understand the teachings." - What it Means to Slander the Law

"The Great Teacher Dengyō in The Outstanding Principles of the Lotus Sutra writes: “The Tendai Lotus school is superior to the other schools because of the sutra that it is founded on. Therefore, in declaring its superiority, it is not simply praising itself and disparaging others. I hope that gentlemen of wisdom will examine the matter of sutras and on that basis decide which school they will follow.”" - Errors of the True Word and Other Schools

"Finally, with regard to the statement by the Great Teacher Kōbō, who cites On the Mahayana Treatise as his proof, that [the Buddha of] the Lotus Sutra still belongs to “the region of darkness,” and that the Lotus Sutra is a doctrine of “childish theory.” Such an assertion is totally preposterous.

The work known as On the Mahayana Treatise was written by Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna, who was a follower of the Thus Come One Shakyamuni. Why would a work by the follower speak disparagingly of the Lotus Sutra, which the teacher declared to be the foremost among all the sutras expounded in the course of his preaching life, and call it a doctrine of “childish theory”?

Moreover, there is in fact no such passage to be found in On the Mahayana Treatise. The teachings set forth in this work deal with the specific teaching, a doctrine expounded in the provisional sutras. This teaching cannot compare with the perfect teaching or with the true teaching, both embodied in the Lotus Sutra. How, then, could such a work be used to disparage the Lotus Sutra?" On the Relative Superiority of True Word and Tendai Schools

"His wife is a believer in the Lotus Sutra and therefore, although he may not have thought that it is the true sutra, it seems unlikely that he himself was completely opposed to it. This is a cause for hope. On the other hand, he put his faith in the Nembutsu and the Nembutsu believers, who disparage the Lotus Sutra, and was probably a Nembutsu believer himself, so I have doubts as to what kind of existence awaits him in his next life.

It is like the case of those who take service in the palace of the ruler and labor diligently there. Some are rewarded by the ruler’s favor and some are not. But if any of them commits the slightest error, it is quite certain that that person will be punished. It is the same way with the Lotus Sutra. No matter how fervently a person may appear to put faith in it, if, knowingly or unknowingly, he has dealings with the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, he will undoubtedly end up in the hell of incessant suffering." - Condolences on a Deceased Husband

"This passage of commentary is describing the benefits gained by the fiftieth person who hears word of the Lotus Sutra passed on from one person to another. The Buddha, having weighed these benefits carefully, kindly explains for us that all the benefits gained by practicing the provisional teachings over numerous kalpas, or the benefits of a great sage, cannot compare to the benefits gained by even an ignorant person who for a moment hears of the Lotus Sutra, responds with joy, and thus forms a bond with it. As we see in the sutra itself, the latter benefits are a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million times greater. The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai in his commentary is making this fact perfectly clear through his analogies. The tree known as the nyagrodha in one day spreads out a hundred spans in all directions and towers on high, and the bird known as a kalavinka, even while a mere chick, has a voice superior to that of all other kinds of birds large or small.

The long time required in the practice of the provisional teachings is compared to the slow rate at which many kinds of plants and trees grow to maturity, while the swiftness with which one attains Buddhahood by practicing the Lotus Sutra is compared to the way in which the tree mentioned above spreads a hundred spans in a single day. And the sages great and small of the provisional teachings are being compared to the other types of birds, while the ordinary person who has barely begun practice of the Lotus Sutra is compared to the kalavinka, which, while still in the shell, has a voice superior to that of all other birds.

The Great Teacher Miao-lo in his commentary explains this further, stating: “Probably those who are mistaken in their understanding fail to realize how great is the benefit gained even by a beginner [in the practice of the Lotus Sutra]. They assume that benefit is reserved for those who are far advanced in practice and disparage beginners. Therefore, the sutra here demonstrates its power by revealing that though their practice is shallow, the benefit that results is profound indeed.”

Ignorant persons in the latter age admit that the principles of the Lotus Sutra are very profound, but assert that they are not suited to our inferior capacities. This passage of commentary is describing such persons, who, while paying great respect to the teachings of the sutra, underrate people’s capacity to understand them and hence turn away from the sutra.

Again, the Great Teacher Miao-lo laments the way in which the teachings of this sutra are rejected in this latter age of ours, stating: “The reason that people hear of this teaching of perfect and immediate enlightenment but fail to respect it is that in recent times there is much confusion and misunderstanding among those who practice the Mahayana doctrines. And the situation is even worse because in the Middle and Latter Days of the Law people have little feeling and little faith. Though the teaching of perfect and immediate enlightenment may overflow the storehouses and its scrolls more than fill the sutra boxes, people give it not a moment’s consideration but rather turn away with closed eyes. How painful it is to think of them, being born in vain, dying in vain!

“Some people may say, ‘If you simply listen to such teachings but do not carry them out in practice, what good can that bring?’ But they fail to understand the profound and eternally lasting benefits of the Lotus Sutra. The Sutra of the Heavenly Son Abiding Goodness states: ‘Manjushrī said to Shāriputra, “Those who hear the Law, speak slanderously of it, and fall into hell as a result, are still superior to those who offer alms to Buddhas as numerous as the sands of the Ganges. For although they fall into hell, when they emerge from hell, they will on the contrary be able to hear the Law again.”’ Manjushrī is here making a comparison between the slanderers of the Law and those who, while offering alms to the Buddhas, fail to listen to the Law. Those who, on hearing the Law, slander it, are still by doing so planting the seeds for enlightenment in the distant future. How much more so, therefore, is this true of those who, on hearing the Law, ponder it carefully and diligently put it into practice.”36

The Great Teacher Miao-lo also states: “Even a single phrase cherished deep in one’s heart will without fail help one reach the opposite shore. To ponder one phrase and practice it is to exercise navigation [in crossing the sea of the sufferings of birth and death]. Responding with joy, seeing and listening to the teachings, are one’s host and companions. Whether one accepts or rejects the teachings, they have entered one’s ear and one has thus established a bond with them. And then, though one may comply with them or go against them, in the end one will because of this bond be able to achieve liberation.” - The Meaning of the Sacred Teachings of the Buddha's Lifetime

"Some persons use the practice of reciting the name of Amida Buddha to mislead others and persuade them to abandon the Lotus Sutra, committing the error of turning their backs on what is superior and following what is inferior. Others propound the principles of the Zen school, calling them a special transmission “outside the sutras” and claiming that the so-called Buddhist teachings are not the true Law, disparaging the teachings in this way and displaying an attitude of great arrogance. Still others advocate the doctrines of the Dharma Characteristics, Three Treatises, or Flower Garland schools and relegate the Lotus Sutra to an inferior position, or proclaim themselves adherents of the True Word, or Mahāvairochana, school, asserting that the Lotus Sutra embodies only the exoteric teachings of the Thus Come One Shakyamuni and cannot compare to the doctrines upheld by the True Word school.

In this way, some persons go astray in doctrinal matters of their own accord, others do so because of the teachers they rely upon. Some propound mistaken doctrines handed down from the founder of the school or its scholars and teachers, propagating them over the long years and claiming that these are the true doctrine. Others, possessed by evil spirits or by the heavenly devil, spread evil doctrines, believing them to be the correct teaching. Some, having become familiar with some petty doctrine of Hinayana, arrogantly claim that the doctrines practiced by Mahayana believers are in error, and in their eagerness to spread their little doctrine attempt to suppress or take over the mountain temples where great doctrines and secret doctrines are taught. Then there are those other fellows who, having become possessed by a devil called the devil of compassion, don their three robes, take up their one alms bowl, and practice the one teaching of Hinayana, with their little doctrine confronting the temples of Mount Hiei, which are the rafters and roof beam of the entire nation, and Mount Hiei’s leaders, who are paragons of wisdom, and because the doctrines taught by these leaders are at variance with their own, presuming to call them men of erroneous views and men of evil.

With evil opinions such as this, these men proceed to deceive the rulers of the nation, leading them woefully astray and causing them to lose faith in the correct teaching. Such men do nothing but bring about the destruction of the nation and the destruction of Buddhism. - The Differences between Hinayana and Mahayana

"Or again in volume eight of the Lotus Sutra we read: “If anyone sees a person who accepts and upholds this sutra and tries to expose the faults or evils of that person, whether what he speaks is true or not, he will in his present existence be afflicted with white leprosy. If anyone disparages or laughs at that person, then in existence after existence he will have teeth that are missing or spaced far apart, ugly lips, a flat nose, hands and feet that are gnarled or deformed, and eyes that are squinty. His body will have a foul odor, with evil sores that run pus and blood, p.199and he will suffer from water in the belly, shortness of breath, and other severe and malignant illnesses.” - Explaining the Causation of the Ten Worlds

SGI's "Sparkle Test" doesn't pass the smell test

According to Nichiren Daishonin the "sparkle test" doesn't pass the smell test. Someone mentioned that he met some members of another Nichiren school and their eyes didn't sparkle like Kathy and Terry Ruby's of the Soka Gakkai. Well, according to Nichiren Daishonin, one thing can be ascertained, Kathy and Terry are sometimes in the World of Rapture. Nichiren writes:

"When we look from time to time at a person's face, we find him sometimes joyful, sometimes enraged, and sometimes calm. At times greed appears in the person's face, at times foolishness, and at times perversity. Rage is the world of Hell, greed is that of Hunger, foolishness is that of Animality, perversity is that of Anger, joy is that of Rapture, and calmness is that of Humanity. These worlds, the six paths, are present in the physical appearance of the person's face. The remaining four noble worlds are hidden and dormant and do not appear in the face, but if we search carefully, we can tell that they are there." -- The True Object of Worship

Question How then can we tell that the Four Noble Worlds are present?

Answer: Through the noble human behaviors of honesty, kindness, compassion, mercy, justice, forbearance, magnanimity, and protecting the teachings we can tell that the Noble Worlds are manifest.
SGI leaders, on the other hand, are great liars who destroy the noble teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin and work tirelessly to bring their fellow SGI members into the Lower Worlds.

In SGI, its OK to practice Yoga, New Age, Astrology, Christianity, Islam, Brahmanism Kabbalah, Bahai, Ikedaism, and even Nembutsu along with Namu Myoho renge kyo.

Nichiren however, teaches:

"...To mix other practices with this Namu-myoho-renge-kyo is a grave error. A lantern is useless when the sun rises. How can dewdrops be beneficial when the rain falls? Should one feed a newborn baby anything other than its mother’s milk? No addition of other medicines is needed with a good medicine. Somehow this woman remained true to this principle, and continued to uphold her faith until the last moment of her life. How admirable, how worthy!" -- The Teaching for the Latter Day

Nichiren Shoshu's impure lineage

Data Regarding Taisekeji Priests and the So-Called Pure Lineage!

The heritage of Nichiren Shoshu has been broken not once, but several times. It has allowed priests from heretical sects to receive transmission. Regarding Boy HP, can the "heritage" that the Priesthood speaks of, in fact be transmitted to boys so young as to be clearly incapable of fully understanding the teaching of Nichiren Shonin.

8th.. In the Nichiren Shoshu Seiten, p. 734, by Horii-mai Nikkyo, it is written that the eighth High Priest, Nichi-e, transmitted the Dharma to a layman, Abura no Joren, not Nichi-u. This is in the records of transmission of Taisekiji itself. (Fuji Shugaku Yoshu, v. 5, p.255, "Biography of Nichi-e")

9th..Nichiu..took heritage at 17 years old. Nichi-u, the 9th High Priest of Taisekiji, who died of leprosy....

Several people have asked for some source references for this story. The idea that a farmer from Fuji started the rumor is not a documented source (and it sounds fishy, too...)

The source for the leprosy story is, of all things, from Nichiren Shoshu itself!

From the "Fuji-Shuo Gaku Yoo Shuo" (Fuji School of Studies V.5 p.39) edited by Horii Nikkyo himself (the greatest scholar of Taisekiji of this century and a High Priest, retired)...it says:

"The 9th generation of Taisekiji, Nichi-u, became a leper."

And again in Vol.7, p.44 of the above mentioned edition by Horii Nikkyo, there is an attack against Nichi-u for various transgressions. In the "Koomom Shoo-gi", p.211 (Orthodoxy of the Nikko School) another reference to Nichi-u and his leprosy is made.

One would ask why Horii Nikkyo would attack one of his predecessors. The answer I got is that he was an honest scholar and printed many things that were historically accurate but not popular with Taisekiji. (He was, after all, a former High Priest, and no one was about to criticize him) It was Horii Nikkyo who said that he had no idea who "Yashiro Kunishige" (the name on the dai-gohonzon) was, or which story of how the mandala came into Taisekiji's possession is true. Nichi-u himself said that Kunishige transferred it to Taisekiji in the 15th Century, which contradicts the story that he had it transferred to wood from a paper gohonzon that had been "hidden" for two hundred years. The popular version today is that the wooden mandala was taken by Nikko from Minobusan to Taisekiji, but there is no mention of such a large wooden mandala being brought to Taisekiji. After all, it couldn't be concealed in someone's sleeve and it is a heavy, obvious object.

Nichi-do, the author of biographies of Nichiren, Nikko and Nichimoku doesn't mention such a honzon at all. In fact, there were no wooden Nichiren honzons until the Muromachi period. Even Nikko forbade the inscription of wooden honzons...

It's interesting to note that all of the re-editions of Horii Nikkyo's original compilation have been "revised" and reformatted to omit all objectionable materials that he, while alive, saw fit to print.

Another source reference about Nichi-u's leprosy is in "Biography of the Patriarch (Nichiren)" by Nisshin of Yooboo-ji (this temple supplied Taisekiji with High Priests from the 15th to the 23rd one, because there were no priests to serve that function at Taisekiji ).

Nichi-joo, the Abbot of Kitayama Honmonji, contemporary with Nichi-u, wrote, "Nichi-u went against the fundamental intention of the founder (Nikko) and inscribed the board honzon which had never been heard of before.....he received the severe punishment for perverted wisdom and blasphemy agaist the Dharma, becoming a leper, and in Sugiyama in the province of Kai (Yamanashi) hiding himself away in shame, he has died". It is historically recorded that he died in Sugiyama, a very remote place, so that no one would see his condition.

Nichi-joo went on to say, with chilling accuracy, "If Nichi-u's madness spreads throughout the world, both the priests and the laity of the discipleship of Nikko will fall to the unremitting hell. How sad for the future."

12th..Nichin, took heritage at 13 years old.
13th..Nichin, took heritage at 9 years old.
14th..Nichio, took heritage at 18 years old.

15th to 19th..In the period from 1596 to 1692, nine generations of HPriests (from 15th HP Nissho to 23rd HP Nikkei) came from Yoho-ji Temple in Kyoto.(Fuji Nempyo P.121, Fuji Shugaku Yoshu, Vol.9)

15th..Nissho, transferred the heritage of the law to Rikyo-bo Nichigi temporarily, who later transferred it to Nichiju Shonin, the 16 HP (Fuji Shugaku Yoshu, Vol.5, P.261)

33rd..Nichigen transcribed a Gohonzon so that it could be enshrined at Sengen Jinja, a Shinto Shrine. This Gohonzon is still extant today.

53rd, Nichijo, during this term there was a great fire at Taisekeji. Directly thereafter, he left the Head Temple, and his whereabouts became unknown. Needless to say, no transfer ceremony took place between Nichijo Shonin and the 54th HP, Nichiden. (Nichiden Shonin Den; Autobiography of Nichiden Shonin; Abridged Biog of Nichiden Shonin)

53rd, Nichijo. Regarding this, the current HP commented in a speech at a June 1989 ceremony making the 100th anniversary of Nichiden Shonin's passing: "I do not want the contents of Nichiden's autobiography to become known among general believers."

56th..Nichio, in 1904 ordered the creation of and subsequently sold 10,000 Gohonzons specially inscribed with the words "For Protection and Victory in War" (in Japanese, Sensho Shugo). Later, he presided over a ceremony to pray for victory over Russia and honor the Japanese Emperor. He also collected donations from participants, which he then contributed to the armed forces. (HoNo Michi, April 1905, 12th issue)

57th..Abe Nissho applied to the Japanese Emperor for the granting of the title of Rissho Daishi ("Great Teacher of Rissho") to Nichiren Daishonin. He received transmission via two lay believers from Osaka, Mitsutatsu Naka and Umetaro Makino Associated with gamblers and beggars. Sold the forest, which was property of Taiseki Temple, without permission and spent the money satisfying his sensual desires and "buying" an election. He also conspired to arrest and prosecute his rival during an election. He suffered from cancer of the tongue for 6 years and died in a crazed madness without ceremony of succession.

58th..Nitchu, received the transmission of the heritage from Nissho Shonin. Later he was impeached, and said, "the Ita-honzon produces evil men."

59th nigh Priest, Hori Nikku, and, the 60th High Priest Abe Nlkku lusted for power, they were obsessed with becoming High Priest.

60th..Nikkai, before becoming HP, was in charge of publishing the organ publication Byakurenge Magazine. During his tenure, he allowed advertisements for the sale of Gohonzons in a knitted frame made of cloth. (The ad appeared starting in Vol.8, #10 of 2/7/14 to 12/14, totaling seven times.)

61st High Priest, Mizutani Nichiyu made a secret pact with a powerful and influential believer at the High Priest's election.

62nd..Nikkyo, deleted key sections of the Gosho (Study of Nichiren Shoshu General Administration Bureau No.8, 9/29/41), and approved of an encouraged worship at Shinto shrines (Nichiren Shoshu Gen.Admin Bureau Intatsu Gogai, 11/11/43). He died suffering from a terrible sickness. He was burned to death at his office. The funeral was held without his body: only his entrails remained after his death.

Ceremony of succession not held for the second time. The tradition was broken off.

63rd High Priest, Akiyama Nichiman story of his inauguration entails mudsllngin between two very greedy people. . His rival, Suzuki Nikkyo, had demoted and confined him. His rivals forced him to resign. He lived a life hating his rivals.

64th High Priest, Mizutani Nisho. He was of mixed parentage and blue eyed. His parents were immoral. Nisho was an immoral and vicious person. He devoted himself to making money raising chickens. He had a sexual relationship with his daughter, and went to hell. The scandal was disclosed. Nishoo dismissed the witness and had another man marry his daughter. Kawada Toshimitsu, a Taiseki Temple priest, died in agony because he was worried about his wife's love affair with Nisho. To have a sexual relationship with one's father, mother, brother or sister is immoral.

67th..Nikken erected a tombstone in a Zen temple (7/17/89)

67th..Nikken, At a lecture at Myosetsu-ji Temple. "The Gosho is not for everyone to use. It is arrogant for you to think you understand the Gosho. it is not for everyone. The Daishonin did not write these letters for everyone. People who received Gosho did not show them to anyone...it is arrogant that Soka Gakkai members carry the Gosho and quote from it one sentence here and one sentence there as if they understand it."

Nikken gives the following speech:

Nikken: "Making them leave the Gakkai is your job, your utmost responsibility now. Why do you ask such silly questions of me? Just as those priests who made speeches just now, why don't you do your best to urge the Gakkai believers to leave the Gakkai, even one member. Why don't you do it?"

Nichiren, the Lotus and Nirvana Sutras on the fate and karmic retribution of such men as SGI top senior leaders and their supporters with brief commentary

"The Great Teacher Nan-yueh in his Shi Anrakugyo states, ‘If there should be a bodhisattva who protects evil persons and fails to chastise them... then when his life comes to an end, he will fall into hell along with those evil persons. '"The meaning of this passage is that, if a practicioner of Buddhism should fail to chastise evil persons who slander the Law but give himself up entirely to meditation and contemplation, not attempting to distinguish between correct or incorrect doctrines, provisional or true teachings, but rather pretending to be a model of compassion, then such a person will fall into the evil paths along with the other doers of evil. Now a person who fails to correct Shingon, Nembutsu, Zen and Ritsu adherents who are slanderers of the Law and instead pretends to be a model of compassion will meet just such a fate as this."

"And so to unbelieving persons, rouse them to accept this Law. By so doing, young men of good family, you will acquit your debt to the Tathagatas." -- Lotus Sutra, Chapter 27, page 440, translated by Kern

"They are like the icchantikas who do not hear, do not believe, and cannot discriminate." --Great Nirvana Sutra: T.12.724c7 = T. 12.481 b27-28)

SGI top Japanese Seniors are just such evil persons and their supporters, be they SGI members or other who fail to chastise them, are all destined for Hell.

Joan Anderson, top international SGI Senior Leader says:

"Compel your members to accept some truths while rejecting others." She also stated, "The truth must be negotiated."

The Kitano Memo


SGI recent history: The Kitano Memo


         SGI-EU Summit with Gen. Sec. Kitano. 20/21-12-97 Villa Sachzen. 

After the last preparations were carried out re: the SGI-EU Directorate on 19/12/97, and the last participants of the "Summit" had arrived late evening, the meeting of those responsible for Europe began in the Rheinsaal of the "Villa Sachzen". 

(Only) theme: The incidents connected with the Priests visits to Europe etc. First, extracts of the speech of SGI GD at the meeting of the representatives of the SGI in the Kansai Guidance Center on l4/11/97 were read out. 

As reported, (by SGI-USA and SGI-Taiwan), the actions of the Nikken sect have become more dangerous and we must keep them under careful observation. You already know what is happening in Japan where the sect changed its statutes on the 29th September, (to make many SGI members uncertain or insecure). To enable the Nichiren Shoshu Temples to keep to these statutes, all are intensely involved in coercing the Soka Gakkai members to join them. They approach the members through the post or by telephone threatening them that they will be disqualified if they do not heal themselves. 

Such incidents do not just happen by chance but have been carefully planned. Shinsho Abe, a son of Nikken and author of these incidents said: "It is important to carry out the fight against the Soka Gakkai for two months to achieve a Tozan membership of 100,000 people. We have altered the statute at this time as the preconditions of our fight". 

We assume that this type of action is to be followed in every country. In fact, we have already received reports from the USA, Argentina, and Taiwan regarding letters and posters through which the members were to be convinced to become registered Temple members although, the final reason for doing so was not stated in them. 

What we, at all costs, have to watch are the malicious strategies of the Nikken sect overseas. Initially, they target a member and organize a core group of about ten members as a "unit". Eventually, this becomes a basic group and this will be legally registered. Then the intrinsic members of the local management of the organization are taken over/replaced as we have seen in Panama. 

Following this, Obayashi, who is the person responsible for Nichiren Shoshu overseas affairs, or a Priest of the Nikken sect, comes and takes over the Chairmanship. Next follows the building of a Temple which is also the house or home of the Priest. He then takes over responsibility for the planning and activities of the Temple members and the organization expands. 

Mathematically viewed, the attack of the Nikken sect starts from point to line, from line to the lateral dimension, and from the two dimensional to the three dimensional. If one of us thinks: "It is better that he/she has joined the Nikken sect" or "In our country, we have no such problems" or "The Priest was here by coincidence", the sect will immediately attack us. As the Priests of the Nikken sect move about, evil seeds are sown everywhere. 

In order to destroy the overseas strategies of the Nikken sect, I want to make a suggestion to all the representatives that we start a special SGI campaign against the Nikken sect starting today to last until the end of the Tozan of 100,000 people. During this period, Nikken will be in court on 22/12/97 and on 2/2/98. We should continue our fight during this period. Do you agree? 

Before the beginning of our fight, I would like to confirm three points: Initially and especially we should be "pro-active", in other words, be informed of all the movements of the Nikken sect and apply a practical system of "counter-action". As you have already been informed, the SGI Strategy Dept. has been founded at the SGI-Head Office. In the past, the movements of the Nikken sect have been carefully monitored outside of Japan and in conjunction with the Bureau of the European Continent, counter- activities were instigated. Moreover, the Strategic Department has been provided to strengthen this system. 

In several countries in which seminars about the Nikken sect were held, and guidance relevant to this was given, campaigns to win the members back were carried out. In addition, measures were taken against the Priests and Danto organizations. In those countries in which no measures were taken, I hope that a plan will be discussed according to the situation in that country. The SGI will do its utmost to support those countries and make available all the necessary information and publications. In each country, discussions will be held regarding the title of the Strategy Dept. 

Secondly, we should exert ourselves and never be inattentive. Because the power of the Soka Gakkai is overwhelmingly strong and dominant in Japan, the members think one can easily deal with the Nikken sect and they don't take the situation seriously enough. Consequently, one does not know their precise strength. Going into detail, we found that it is not the Temples that are the places of the leading persons, but their homes. 

They are constantly seeking ways to increase their sphere of influence. It is very dangerous to underestimate their influence and say: "Everything is OK here, up to now none of our members has resigned". The Nikken sect works like mad for shakubuku and their sphere of influence can increase even if we can't see anything. 

Perhaps you think there is no Danto in your country. Although, in Sweden and in Mexico, Koreans from America and Mexicans have taken a leading role. Actually the Danto movement, the Danto organizations which are formed from ten or more members, were established without our knowing anything about it. 

At all events, the Nikken sect concentrates its energies more and more on shakubuku for the services of the "Tozan of 100,000 people". If our attack is not strong enough, the strength of evil will destroy us. We must fight with all our strength because we must not allow the might of evil to show itself. "

Did Nichiren advocate the killing of the evil Gyochi who persecuted his disciples mercilessly?

Read the The Ryūsen-ji Petition

Yet, there are those who fail to believe in karmic retribution, that a disciple and believer of Nichiren will never need to kill because of the Law of cause and effect. Nichiren used his Juzu beads to defend himself from Tojo Kagenobo and his Samurai killers. The Atsuhara martyrs, Nichiro and others had no samurai to protect them, only Nichiren at Kumatsubara who had two believers who died defending him (not a patch of land or a country).

If someone with guns came to take my land, I would let them. Material things are slight, the dharma and the lives of the votaries are great.

Friday, December 23, 2022

From Condolences on a Deseased Husband

"...And then on the basis of these idiocies they proceed to rage at persons who declare that the moon and gold are superior to stars and stones, who say that the east is the east and the sky is the sky. Are we to go along with such persons simply because they are numerous? Are they not merely a great gathering of idiots? How sad it is to think that all the useless men and women who base themselves upon delusions of this kind are destined to fall into hell."

Today, the great gathering of idiots are those who revere Daisaku Ikeda and their supporters.

A short passage

"The Buddha has in fact said that in the evil world of the latter age, those who preach this sutra as the sutra itself directs will face many enemies. And yet there are some persons in the world now who say that they uphold the sutra, that they read it and carry out its practices, and yet they have no enemies. Are the words of the Buddha false, then? Or is the Lotus not a true sutra?" - Sovereign, Teacher, and Parent

Thursday, December 22, 2022

"How could I observe the decline of the Buddhist Law and not be filled with emotions of pity and distress." - Nichiren

It is important to determine how and when the methods of practice of shoju (the gentle practices) and shakabuku (the forceful practices) are to be performed in this Defiled Age:

"'There are monks who preach the Dharma in various ways, but still they are not able to utter "the lion's roar" and refute evil persons who deny the Dharma. Monks of this kind can bring no merit either to themselves or to the populace. You should realize that they are in fact shirkers and idlers. Though they are careful in observing the precepts and maintain spotless conduct, you should realize that they are incapable of attaining Buddhahood." (Opening of the Eyes)

Some people (the SGI and the Nichiren Shu in particular) have argued very persuasively, utilizing the following two passages of the Opening of the Eyes as proof that the shoju methods predominate at this time.

"When the country is full of ignorant or evil persons, then shoju is the primary method to be applied, as described in the Anrakugyo chapter. But at a time when there are many persons of perverse views who slander the Law, then shakubuku should come first, as described in the Fukyo chapter." (ibid)

"...This is because there are two kinds of countries, the country that is passively evil, and the kind that actively seeks to destroy the Law. We must consider carefully to which category Japan at the present time belongs."(ibid).

Let us take the United States as an example. Some people cite as proof that the United States and its leaders are merely passively evil because they let us practice and spread the True Law. However, as pointed out by Nichiren Daishonin in the Gift of Rice, "the sixth volume of the Lotus Sutra reads, "No affairs of life or work are in any way different from the ultimate reality", and "The true path of life lies in the affairs of this world." The United States, in light of these passages does indeed actively seek to destroy the Law: It is engaged in war after war, has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, is the greatest source of global pollution, is the most glaring example of greed is good, and it is the most powerful Christian country in the world. Is not the United States killing votaries of the Lotus Sutra [potential votaries, at least] all over the world?

If we are incapable of uttering the lion's roar, we will fail to attain Buddhahood.

"When the time is right to propagate the supreme teaching, the provisional teachings become enemies. If they are a source of confusion, they must be thoroughly refuted from the standpoint of the true teaching. Of the two types of practice, this is shakubuku, the practice of the Lotus Sutra. With good reason, T-ien-t'ai stated: 'The practice of the Lotus Sutra is shakubuku, the refutation of the provisional doctrines.' The four easy practices in the Anrakugyo chapter are shoju. To carry them out in this age would be as foolish as sowing seeds in winter and expecting to reap the harvest in spring." (On Practicing the Buddha's Teachings)

There are three aspects to attaining Buddhahood through the power of the Lotus Sutra. The first is faith, the second is practice, and the third is study. Practice encompasses practice for oneself and practice for others. There are two methods of practice for others, the shoju method (gentle approach) and the shakabuku method (forceful approach). We can liken the two approaches to the gentle compassion of a mother and the strict compassion of a father. If a child's problem behavior is not overly serious the mother, through gentle caring and guidance can assist the child. If a child's problem behavior is totally out of control, the child carrying a gun to school, for example, the strict and stern admonishments of a father is appropriate to alter the destructive course of the child. The two methods of propagation are like this.

In the world, during the times of Shoho (~ 3000-2000 years ago) and Zoho (~ 2000-1000 years ago), society and individuals (as a whole) exhibited only mildly abherent and abhorant behaviors, so the shoju method was the principle and appropriate method to employ to awaken the people. From approximately 1000 years ago to the present, individuals and society became so steeped in the Three Poisons (Anger, Avarice and Stupidity) that shakabuku became the principle and appropriate method of propagation.

"In terms of the practices to be adopted, there are shoju and shakabuku. It is a mistake to practice shakabuku at time when shoju is called for, and equally erroneous to practice shoju when shakabuku is appropriate. The first thing to be determined, therefore, is whether the present period is the time for shoju or the time for shakabuku." (Conversations between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man).

"The methods of shoju and shakubuku are also like this. When the True Law alone is propagated and there are no erroneous doctrines or misguided teachers, then one may enter the deep valleys and live in quiet contentment, devoting his time to reciting and copying the Sutra and to the practice of meditation...But when there are provisional sects and slanderers of the Law in the country, then it is time to set aside other matters and devote oneself to rebuking slander...One should practice shakubuku...."(ibid)

"Shoju is to practiced when throughout the entire country only the Lotus Sutra has spread, and when there is not even a single misguided teacher expounding erroneous doctrines.

We live in a horrendous time.

In his treatise, The Establishment of the Right Law to Save the Country, Nichiren states:

"We should rather eliminate heretical teachings than perform ten thousand prayers."

"But the present age is a defiled one. Because the minds of people are warped and twisted, and provisional teachings and slander alone abound, the True Law cannot prevail. In times like these, it is useless to practice the reading, reciting and copying [of the Lotus Sutra] or to devote oneselves to the methods and practices of meditation. One should practice ONLY shakabuku, and if one has the capacity, use his influence and authority to destroy slander of the Law, and his knowledge of teachings to refute erroneous doctrines."(ibid).

The Daishonin states in another Gosho, "All teachings are ultimately the revelation of Buddhist truth". Shakabuku is the method for refuting teachings when they are a source of slander or confusion. Included among these teachings are the the omniscience of science and Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and occult theology. All these teachings lead to suffering and their adherents all assert that their teachings are equal or superior to those of the Lotus Sutra. These teachings and their adherents must be taken severely to task, as Aryasinha did, even at the cost of his life. Do you think Aryasinha lost his life for practicing shoju?

There is a balance between the preservation of the purity of the teachings and a liberal interpretation of the teachings in order to convince others to convert. If you compromise the teachings in your eagerness to be everything to everybody, you end up being nothing to nobody. in effect you are doing neither shoju nor shakabuku but merely destroying the teachings. Is this not the case with the Soka Gakkai and the Nichiren Shu today?

In those few cases when a person is either readily ammenable to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra or when a Lotus Sutra adherent's faith and practice is basically correct and one's faults not overly serious, no strict admonishments are necessary. In this case, the shoju method may be employed. Having faith in Jesus while praying to the Gohonzon, is a serious transgression. Another example is studying the Human Revolution at the expense of studying the Lotus Sutra.

Speaking about Brahamanism, Nichiren writes:

"Erroneous teachings such as these are too numerous to be counted. Their adherents pay as much respect and honor to the teachers who propounded them as the various deities pay to the God Taishaku or the court ministers pay to the ruler of the empire But not a single person who adheres to these ninety five higher or lower teachings ever escape from the cycle of birth and death." (Opening of the Eyes)

In reference to Taoists he declares:

"But since such a man knows nothing about the past or the future, he can not assist his parents, his sovereign or his teacher in making provisions for their future lives, and he is therefore guilty of failing to repay the debt he owes them. Such a person is not a true wise man or sage."(ibid)

We would never employ gentle practices with the Hindu or Taoist adherents, why should we with Christian adherents?

The Lotus Sutra states, "In the whole universe there are not even two vehicles, how much less a third."(LS Ch. 2).

Nichiren Daishonin was a very strict teacher out of great compassion for humanity. In one of his Five Major Writings, "Establishing the Right Law to Save the Country", he teaches that the cause of personal, societal, and environmental problems are mistaken ideas, false views, false religions, and false beliefs. He asserted, whether to use one or the other methods (gentle or assertive), depends not on the inborn capacity of the individual, not on the land, and not on the order of propagation [of the teachings] but rather on the time and the teachings themselves. During the Former and Middle Days, one gained emancipation through shoju but today in Mappo, the defiled degenerate age, one gains emancipation through the shakabuku method. Only the most powerful medicine will do for the most serious illnesses: Nuclear weapons, war having killed hundreds of millions of people in the twentieth century alone, pollution, famine, , massive earthquakes, floods, nuclear accidents, new deadly strains of disease, the destruction of the rain forests, massive and growing dead zones in the sea..., problems one would expect to encounter in this Defiled Age. Nichiren Daishonin taught these are caused by the rampancy of misleading philosophies and religions incapable of transforming the Three Poisons [Greed, Anger, and Animality] into the Three Noble Attributes of the Buddha, Dharma Body, wisdom, and emancipation.

Nichiren performed the forceful practices towards all save for his own faithful disciples and believers. The heretical sectarians of his day and even some of his "adherents" arrogantly admonished him to cease and desist, that his methods were too confrontational, too difficult to practice. In response to such criticism, he wrote:

"Though I may be a person of little ability, I have reverently given myself to the study of the Mahayana. A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles....I was born as the son of the one Buddha, Shakyamuni and I serve the king of scriptures, the Lotus Sutra. How could I observe the decline of the Buddhist Law and not be filled with emotions of pity and distress." (Establishing the Right Law for the Peace of the Land)

The provisional Buddhist teachings have sprouted here and there like so many weeds, even in the United States, not to mention the even more insidious teachings of Daisaku Ikeda and the Nichiren Shoshu. There are more than one thousand cultic and provisional Buddhist denominations and permutations and their evil doctrines are embraced by millions of believers or supporters. Also, radical Christian fundamentalism and Bibleism is spreading to all corners of the heartland, its adherents actively working to stifle the sowing of the seeds of Myoho and to destroy our basic human rights of free speech and freedom of religion.

Again, regarding heretical teachings such as Pure Land Buddhism, Nichiren writes in Establishing the Correct Law for the Peace of the Land:

I have pondered the matter carefully with what limited resources I possess, and have looked a little at the scriptures for an answer. The people of today all turn their backs upon what is right; to a person, they give their allegiance to evil. This is the reason that the benevolent deities have abandoned the nation and departed together, that sages leave and do not return. And in their stead devils and demons come, and disasters and calamities occur. I cannot keep silent on this matter. I cannot suppress my fears.

Let us forcefully awaken them to the best of our ability, teaching them of the manifest evil of their misguided beliefs and the workings of the Law of Cause and Effect. It is not the time to employ the gentle practices. We must assiduosly practice shakabuku, the forceful practices.

Focusing on the strange

Alan SGI leader: But that isn't what the SGI is at all. The SGI is built around the Gohonzon and Daimoku, the SGI is built on faith in the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin.
Me: In October of 1995, We [my wife and I] went to the opening of the new New York Culture Center. Neither "gohonzon", "daimoku", "Lotus Sutra" nor "Shakyamuni Buddha" was mentioned even once and  Nichiren Daishonin was mentioned twice during the entire two and a half hour meeting. Daisaku Ikeda was mentioned hundreds of times.This was the straw that broke our back.
Alan: Sensei is the person urging us to deepen and further our practice, our faith and our understanding, through his words and example.
Me: Were it true, there wouldn't be such a de-emphasis on the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, daimoku, gohonzon and Nichiren Daishonin.
Alan: Granted, this often comes across pretty strangely, but it is expressed in perfectly reasonable and understandable ways just as often.
Me: It can not be expressed reasonably in terms of the authentic teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. Alan, get out while you can without too much further damage. You are half way out the door anyway but you don't even see it because your brain has not regained its health and it won't as long as you remain halfway in.
Alan: It is unfortunately the case that some people only focus on the strange. It's kind of sad actually.
Me: Its sad that you don't see how truly strange is SGI and its leaders.

Driving a mack truck through SGI logic

SGI members write countless diatribes that aren't even close to reality, attacking whoever or whatever person or group they wish and, according to them, that is indicative of the behavior of a Buddha but if anyone so much as points out SGI members real, bizarre, and over the top adulation of Daisaku Ikeda, he is a low life conditioned, angst ridden, disgruntled, former SGI member exhibiting non-Buddhist behavior. We will continue to drive a Mack truck through the gaping holes in SGI logic and over their false assertions and attempts to slam and castigate others who are guilty of no fault.

Seeking an answer to the question

Do SGI leaders lie to cover up their ignorance or do they lie to cover up the truth?

According to SGI's and Nichiren Shoshu's teachings, Nichiren was a slanderer for placing a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha on the altar

"When I was in the Province of Sado between mountains and wilds far away from a village was a samadhi place called Tsukahara. There was a hall with a single room and four walls in that place. On the roof the boards did not meet and all four walls were ruined. In the rain it was like being outside and the snow piled up inside. There was no Buddha [image]. Neither was there a single reed tatami mat. However, I set up the statue of the Master of Teachings Lord Shakya which I kept from the beginning and grasped the Hokekyo in my hand, put on a straw raincoat and held up an umbrella, yet for four years nary a person appeared to give me food." -- Reply to the Bhikshuni Myoho", STN, v. 2, 15

Unless, of course, you are Tina Turner.

SGI is a cloudy stream. "But look at all of the seeds planted" -- SGI member

Nichiren Shoshu is the muddy source [of SGI's cloudy stream] and regarding SGI's many seeds planted: It is better to plant one Nichiren sequoia seed than millions of SGI stinkweed seeds.

"When Sensei came in 1990, everything became clear." -- SGI member

But before 1990, despite trillions of Daimoku to the SGI "True Object of Worship", everything was foggy? 

SGI cult song Sensei For You

 Sensei For You

Through your eyes, we see the dream unfold
in your words, we hear the thunder roll,
each day we seek your wisdom
as our voyage begins anew
hurry home, hurry home, we're calling for you

Sensei, we're waiting,
we're reaching to touch your heart
we're ready to play our part
in your great dream
all our tomorrows
are shiny and new
we'll fight forever
Sensei, for you

By your side, we strive in unity
far and wide, so all the world can see
with bold determination
hopeful hearts and joyful tears
we'll go on, ever on through all of our years


Sensei, we're waiting
we're reaching to touch your heart
we're ready to play our part
in your great dream
all our tomorrows
are shiny and new
we'll fight forever,
Sensei, for you

We'll fight forever
Sensei, for you"