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Monday, December 5, 2022

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

There is a reason "Life" is first. There is no pursuit of happiness where there is no life, not in a secular sense and not in a Buddhist sense. In both a secular and Buddhist sense, there is no will power consciousness to ellicit any action, any pursuit in death. There is also no liberty in death, ones karma while alive having already determined the course through death. Therefore, life is the most precious state and the dignity of life is the mandate of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha, and Nichiren Shonen. It is also the reason "life" is first in the Declaration of Independence. Those who promote the Ukraine/Russian war necessitates only death, no liberty and no pursuit of happiness. Nichiren teaches that no one, regardless of the circumstances, can force another not to retain one's faith, one's beliefs. Again, life is the greatest treasure in the entire universe.


  1. I support Ukraine. The war and most egregiously the “ war crimes” are all due to Putin’s evil nature. I condemn him and everyone who supports his evil.
    Knowing right from wrong is fundamental to a “ happy life”.
    You argue that capitulating to evil to save one’s life is the correct path for a Nichiren Buddhist, I disagree !
    I also find it untenable that you continue to fault Ukrainians for their stance even as the world watches the actions of the man who seeks to conquer and control Ukraine ,
    They said, “NO”, so Putin seeks to terrorize and destroy them and you just go on and on about the decision that was not yours to make, as civilized nations and people who cherish freedom all over the world pray for and support Ukraine.
    Your ideology is far afield from the realities of MAN MADE as in a strictly male enterprise, war, in our world at this time.
    ~ Katie

  2. Younger people, working people and poor people are not extremists, left or right. People want some hope. The power and money elites created a vacuum, so that nazis, fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, and other nasty, antidemocracy groups have a lot of power. Conservative establishment, in the so-called opposition is their enabler. No heart, or compassion. The most brutal beings in the realms of animality and hell.
    All about money and me first.

  3. Most Japanese zen priests, had little problem with vicious-Japanese nationalism, racism, and imperialism. Little moral scruple about naziism, or hitler

  4. Probably not a good idea to talk about politics anymore. Very polarized. Little listening. People only want to see their point of view. I chant for peace through compassion, empathy, unconditional love. No desire to look down on people, in any way. No desire to judge people on their
    ethnicity, creed, economic status, or see them as an enemy, or enemy of the state. War is sad. When people start saying they are taking names as extremists, bigots or on any side in the name of patriotism it is not safe, peaceful or healthy. Namu myoho renge kyo

  5. In the great depression 1929 to 1940, half the country was drifters, homeless at one time or another . It is getting that way again. My great gramma said she always had a pot on the back burner, for some hungry soul in need. That was even after the great depression was over. Half the politicians on one side want to take names and start EXTERMINATING OPPONENTS. They want to starting taking unfortunate people and people of other ethnicities and beliefs, to start putting those people in camps. Maybe exterminate them. The other rich politicians just want unfortunate people, put in camps or jail. Those rich politicians on THAT side, also want people who are against wars for profit, put in jail or tracked as Russian agents. HAVE PEOPLE LOST THEIR MINDS?


    Those who are farthest from an actual situation, are always "the most moral" '"Where you stand depends on where you sit" .BTW I work with adolescents. They aren't yet corrupted and very sensitive to defending vulnerable people from evil.

  7. The demented old thing Katie, is almost as bad as one of the right wing goblins or nazis, it says it opposes. The thing does not really oppose those horrible, murderous demon nazis. Her shriveled demented old, scumbag politicians actually enabled and somewhat support those vicious animals.  The only thing, the  People from the money cult sgi care about, is money and their phoney status. Sgi connected politicians are the most corrupt and phoney in the world. Disgusting. This phoney pseudo Buddhist  thing, that posts here, sounds like an ignorant psychopathic devil. They brought the most evil nazi devils on us. Her rotten shriveled up old corrupt  idol, supported iraq. Lies about getting rid of the nazi monsters and student loans. It is driving what's left  of America after bush and trump,  into the sewer  It lies almost as bad as the blatant nazi devils. Wants a police state. More police, more jails . It was best friends with archracist Jesse helms.100 billion on a useless proxy war in Ukraine. A war not unlike Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan . A WAR so that Raytheon, Musk, and all the other nasty shit, weapons makers and military contract parasites, can sell and test their wares drive America bankrupt while there are millions of homeless, while nazi republicans destroy the Post Office, public schools, shoot up power grids commit mass murder and atrocities. The orange haired demon wants to tear up the constitution it did a racists coup that killed 6 cops. I don't see its evil racist ass in prison. What a joke this Katie thing is. Not even human and it calls itself buddhist

    1. Dehumanizing other people is an illness that has spawned the very worst atrocities against humanity. This illness strikes those who live on the internet. This site is a haven for the afflicted !

  8. Next the evil thing will be calling us communists or moslem. when there are few if any communists left in the world. Not China or Russia . Moslems have the right to freedom of religion in amerika. These warmonging bigots are little better than the evil, vicious, murderous nazi scum, they say they oppose but really enable. So nauseating and sickening

    1. so moderator finds these comment’s appropriate for his purist nichiren blog?
      maybe in competition with his idol, trump lol
      who can go lower ?

    2. You can sure dish it out but apparently, you cant take it Mr/Ms. Anonymous

    3. taking it all in , sir
      every single post you deem appropriate for your “base”
      lol! and your base is as base minded as the guy you backed here in 2016
      like you got your own Truth Social
      first amendment allows for fools to rant

    4. in defense of decency and definitely the respect due Kate, whom I know, I have shared this and other examples of your moderation and politics as a warning for those believers I know who think attacking other believers is “ correct practice “.
      do you want to end up like mark? no moral compass and no capacity for seeing himself ?
      just another method of study in our chaotic modern times .

    5. Apparently, you condone hate speech towards participants here? Give me a break, Mark, you are acting like a school yard bully with absolutely no sense of decency. I consider the source(s) for every base minded attack on me and others here and chalk it all up to actual proof that you have "lost your true mind". You may recall, that is evidence of slander of the Lotus Sutra.

    6. You can't argue the points proffered here by Anonymous which you call hate speech. Way to go Katie, Ms. Ad Hominem.

    7. Sorry? Is this what you call " points made" by anonymous?
      " The demented old thing Katie, is almost as bad as one of the right wing goblins or nazis, it says it opposes. The thing does not really oppose those horrible, murderous demon nazis. Her shriveled demented old, scumbag politicians actually enabled and somewhat support those vicious animals. The only thing, the People from the money cult sgi care about, is money and their phoney status. Sgi connected politicians are the most corrupt and phoney in the world. Disgusting. This phoney pseudo Buddhist thing, that posts here, sounds like an ignorant psychopathic devil."...

      I don't see a point here. Maybe I could comment on what the point is not?
      It is not the rhetoric of a stable individual.
      Best not to fuel the insanity.
      ~Katie Higgins RN


    1. Thanks for sharing, Doubt our critics will even take the time to read this.

  10. It's pretty obvious that this writer despises Trump you despicable moron. You and your old rightwing Democrat warmongers are a lot like Komeito members . Just money money money. Corporate democrats are Clyburn Biden Clinton. Warmongers. They are controlled by the donor billionair class, like their right wing fascist extremist counterparts . This demented old fool is like Feinstein, Clyburn. Like my old demented conservative democrat neighbor who started yelling at me and calling me a Russian agent ,though Democrat, green or progressive. Bullys like the fascists who won't answer questions directly and threaten Why are you such a warmonger Katie? Brainwashed? Money? Meanness?follow the conservative wing corporate Democrat party line right or wrong, like the Trump extremist fascists?little critical thinking. Almost as scary as the violent fascists(not sarcasm. Repuklicans have turned into virulent murderous psychopaths) that control the rotten republican party. The only Ds left that support the rotten Ukraine proxy war are some rich celebrities, neoconservative warmongers and hippocrits. Most everyone wants negotiations.

    1. blah, blah, blah… the profane rantings of malcontents are the oxygen that mark requires. only a person lacking in decency and proprietary would publish such garbage.

  11. ad hominem from the moderator, mark the “savior”
    as per usual

  12. Again, as Nichiren, I have only hatred for slander. SGI and SGI's supporters slander the Lotus Sutra (Interfaith, changing the Four Dictums of Nichiren, adopting Shingon Guruism, adopting Zen "follow no matter what" Bushido, slander, hatred, and jealousy of the members of the orthodox sects (Kempon Hokke, Nichiren Shu, and any Nichiren Buddhist who is not Soka Gakkai, teaching that the Lotus Sutra has lost its power in the Latter Day and only understandable through the commentary of Daisaku Ikeda, A vigorous study of the Human Revolution novels, "the Lotus Sutra of the modern age" rather than the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin, the list goes on and on).

  13. Adopting a habit of degrading believers and promoting the same here, is nothing like Nichiren. Your “ preaching” is not compatible with our culture . SGI succeeds in propagation and helping many sustain a consistent practice. Only if the Buddha lied about them” perfect teaching for our time” can that be a bad thing. ~ Katie

    1. Nichiren's preaching was not compatable with his culture. You are a coward for not speaking up about evil religions and philosophies. Are there no bigger fish to fry than me? I have bigger fish to fry than you, You will have to work out your own salvation.

  14. fyi marko loco ; " SGI and SGI's supporters" are PEOPLE who chant daimoku, you spew hate speech and condemnation toward BELIEVERS, damn! you can't even complete a thought without contradicting yourself.

    1. They chant Daimoku like the renegade disciples in Nichiren's time. Wake up. Now go sing a few bars of Forever Sensei and a few chapters of the Human Revolution. You will feel better.

    2. Mr./MS. Ad Hominem, can't you do better than "marco loco"? I don't think so because you can't discuss the teachings, can you. You must be a Soka Gakkai member.

    3. discuss the teachings with a raving lunatic?
      that would degrade the teachings , marko loco
