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Monday, December 4, 2023

One thing right in the Human Revolution

"The Kempon Hokke school was founded by Nichiju in Kyoto about one hundred years after Nichiren Daishonin’s death. It maintained that the Buddhist doctrines should be transmitted by the scriptures only and not from mentor to disciple.". -- The Human Revolution Vol. IX


  1. So you do read The New Human Revolution ? And you also denigrate SGI with alacrity.
    Being at cross purposes with oneself is sure to result in nothing of value. As is noted by your nearly extinct readership 😬

  2. Read, not read. 60 + comments in several weeks is not extinct readership nor is 1.6 million views. Worry about the extinction of the Soka Gakkai which is happening as we speak from 12 to 8 million followers since not much before the Covid-19 pandemic.
