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Sunday, June 22, 2014

More Malibu [cult] Training Center

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Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Hitch ()
Date: January 03, 2013 02:27AM

Photo I've linked to before [], that's The Malibu "Training" Center in the background (again, "training" is a euphemism for cult member brainwashing / thought reform / manipulation - just take a look at that group signed vow, "Our spirit is to never taiten - no matter what").

(The cult org. is fond of that phrase. And "taiten" is cult-speak for "stop following The Dear Leader" now. In retrospect, the cult org. appears to be constantly pretty paranoid about losing "members", looking at this photo / vow thru 2013 eyes.)

Happy Cult Memories, All!

- Hitch
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Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
Posted by: Hitch ()
Date: January 03, 2013 03:09AM

Oh, on that note (cult memories), I just wanted to add:

Re: My "YOUTH!" division memories at The Cult Malibu Thought Reform Center

I felt like a potted plant, wallpaper and decoration from my time there. You were lined up, moved around, yelled at, forced to smile and otherwise appear super happy (while being yelled at and ordered around, mind you) and do your "Rah-rah-rah!" thing for the photographers and cameras, then you were put into a corner until called out to do the same thing all over again for another Dear Leader walk around. And then you were done and told to leave, until next time.

"Precious 'YOUTH!' member"? No.

Accessory / support prop for show (and treated as such)? Yep.

Such is the gakkai cult org..

- Hitch


  1. Click on the picture to enlarge. Far left kneeling is Gerry Hall and far right is Mr. Williams.

  2. Danny Nagashima is there to the left of center.

  3. I see from the signatures that Marc Szeftel is in the picture somewhere - he later wrote the book "The Society" about his experiences in NSA (now called "SGI-USA"). It's a fun read.
