"Daisaku Ikeda was also instrumental in having President Obama elected first African-American President"
"Mentor also predicted that we would one day have a black President. He saw racism in Chicago and chanted for equality in America and President Obama was elected." -- Tom proud SGI member in response to "Tear that wall down".
Another SGI "sage" once asserted that Obama was conceived the day after Ikeda had his moment of awakening in Chicago to the existence of racism in America and made the vow to set it right. This wonderful dude said something to the effect of “hmmm, was this a coincidence?”. Like Ikeda mystically gave his only begotten son to America to fix this racism thing which he had so brilliantly discovered. Pity he couldn’t fix racism in Japan but I guess that’s a harder nut to crack." -- Mick
Another SGI "sage" once asserted that Obama was conceived the day after Ikeda had his moment of awakening in Chicago to the existence of racism in America and made the vow to set it right. This wonderful dude said something to the effect of “hmmm, was this a coincidence?”. Like Ikeda mystically gave his only begotten son to America to fix this racism thing which he had so brilliantly discovered. Pity he couldn’t fix racism in Japan but I guess that’s a harder nut to crack." -- Mick