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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

An example of how SGI destroys the teachings and brainwashes their followers

From the SGI blog, Nichiren Daishonin’s Gosho:
Repaying Our Debt of Gratitude Constitutes Achieving Victory in Kosen-
Rufu – On Repaying Debts of Gratitude
The old fox never forgets the hillock where he was born; the white
turtle repaid the kindness he had received from Mao Pao. If even lowly
creatures know enough to do this, then how much more should human
beings! Thus Yu Jang, a worthy man of old, fell on his sword in order
to repay the debt he owed his lord Chih Po, and the minister Hung Yen
for similar reasons cut open his stomach and inserted the liver of his
dead lord, Duke Yi of Wei. What can we say, then of persons who are
devoting themselves to Buddhism? Surely they should not forget the
debts of gratitude they owe their parents, their teachers and their
country. (Passage from “On Repaying Debts of Gratitude”, The Writings
of Nichiren Daishonin, p690-745)
The main point of this lecture on the above passage and the next to
the last paragraph reads:
“SGI President Ikeda said, “Those who cherish a mentor in their hearts
are strong; such people can tap a wellspring of inexhaustible wisdom.
Those who never forget the debt they owe their mentor are eternally
beautiful. Betrayal is ugly. One who betrays others suffers for all
time. I have carried the message of Mr Makiguchi and Mr Toda to the
entire world. I am working unceasingly to repay my debt of gratitude
to them. This is the path of mentor and disciple. This is the life I
choose when I was still a young man. In this spirit lies the true
essence of the SGI.”
Let us look at this passage in context. Nichiren goes on,
directly from the above passage:
“But if one intends to repay these great debts of gratitude, one can
hope to do so only if one learns and masters Buddhism, becoming a
person of wisdom. If one does not, one will be like a man who attempts
to lead a company of the blind over bridges and across rivers when he
himself has sightless eyes. Can a ship steered by someone who cannot
even tell the direction of the wind ever carry the traveling merchants
to the mountains where treasure lies?
If one hopes to learn and master Buddhism, then one cannot do so
without devoting time to the task. And if one wants to have time to
spend on the undertaking, one cannot continue to wait on one’s
parents, one’s teachers, and one’s sovereign. Until one attains the
road that leads to emancipation, one should not defer to the wishes
and feelings of one’s parents and teachers, no matter how reasonable
they may be.
Many people may think that counsel such as this runs counter to
secular virtues and also fails to accord with the spirit of Buddhism.
But in fact secular texts such as The Classic of Filial Piety make
clear that there are times when one can be a loyal minister or a
filial child only by refusing to obey the wishes of one’s sovereign or
parents. And in the sacred scriptures of Buddhism it is said, “By
renouncing one’s obligations and entering the Buddhist life one can
truly repay those obligations in full.” Pi Kan refused to go along
with his sovereign’s wishes and thereby came to be known as a worthy
man.6 Prince Siddhartha disobeyed his father King Shuddhodana and yet
became the most outstanding filial son in all the threefold world.
These are examples of what I mean.
Once I had understood this and prepared to cease deferring to my
parents and teachers and instead to delve into the truths of Buddhism,
I found that there are ten clear mirrors that reflect the sacred
doctrines of the Buddha’s lifetime of teachings…”
These subsequent passages completely contradict the message and
interpretation of the SGI proffered passage which is taken out of context
This is how the SGI subverts the teachings and brainwashes their
followers, regardless of what Ikeda, Patrick, CL, L, Clown or your
Territory Chief say.
Read the Goshos from beginning to end without the SGI footnotes and
explanations and you will get a true sense of the teachings.

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