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Sunday, August 18, 2013

'Do not place a statue of Nichiren Daishonin or Shakyamuni Buddha on the altar. They are already on the Gohonzon." -- Nichiren Shoshu priest

That didn't stop Nichiren from enshrining HIS statue of Shakyamuni Buddha nor from praising Shijo Kingo, Toki Jonen, and Dozenbo for fashioning their statues of Shakyamuni Buddha. Nichiren Shoshu priests and SGI leaders are stupid.


  1. It's like placing a dollar bill picture on a dollar bill. It's redumbdumbt

  2. Who cares what you think dee. It's how Nichiren lived and taught the dharma, not your opinions that we follow.

  3. Actually, I care what Dee thinks...and I agree with her. Mark...your retort is less than skillful.

  4. I know Dee for 21 years. She knows how i think and I know how she thinks. It is called shakubuku or the forceful practices. She, along with her SGI and NST cohorts, slander and demean Shakyamuni Buddha. I suggest you research what Nichiren says about opinions and get back to us.

  5. i agree with rogow...none of the sects...sgi, shoshu, n. shu, kempon etc follow nichiren. if u want to learn what nichiren and shakyamuni buddhas really taught , chant NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO and google eagle peak and study real buddhism. good luck ! the lotus sutra is the medicine for the modern day problems. cheers.
