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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Keep It Real(istic)

I went to a SGI-USA World Peace meeting today (in a major US city) and kept count on the number of times I heard the following words/phrases:
President Ikeda/Sensei Ikeda/Daisaku Ikeda/etc.:  I lost count.  Seriously, I gave up on counting at the 20/21 mark.
Daishonin: 1
Nichiren: 0
Lotus Sutra: 1
Kosen rufu: 1
Gosho: 1
Buddhism/Buddhist/Buddha: 0 (again, seriously)"

This perfectly mirrors my own experience and one of the principle reasons I left the Soka Cockeye.


  1. Pretty severe........
    They will know their own karme though.

    Just chant fot their vonversion and have compassion for the ignorant persons.


  2. Thanks. I try. It is however difficult both protecting the teachings and having empathy for those who would destroy them. I am not the equal of Nichiren Daishonin.

  3. Thanks. I try. It is however difficult both protecting the teachings and having empathy for those who would destroy them. I am not the equal of Nichiren Daishonin.

  4. good work mark. no easy task keeping nichirens lotus sutra buddhism real. ....... carry on.
