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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

An Essay by Stephen Shonin Paine

The Ancient Text State that if the People do nothing to protect Buddhism but instead stand by and watch it be destroyed;

August 22, 2013 at 4:58pm

Note* When scholars of ancient text read revelation from the Bible they clearly can see they are plagiarized passages from more profound works written much early by great sages and enlightened beings like Buddha (610 BC), Dengyo Dashi (767-822), Nichiren Shonin (1222-1282) and so on . .

I find it shallow that people would refer to works that were produced later in the 14th century like those of Michel de Nostredame (depending on the source, 14 or 21 December 1503 – 2 July 1566), when there are ancient text like even those by Nichiren below quoted some two hundred years before Nostradamus. And not to put down Nostradamus but at least Nichiren Shonin referred to the ancient text when he made a prophecy that by the way have actually come true which can be seen in Japan today and across the world just in those he makes below.

Nichiren also bases his understanding of the future on the "Three Thousand Worlds in a Momentary Existence," the most important principle expounded by Shakyamuni Buddha some 2700 years ago in his preaching of the Lotus Sutra. Thus, this principle is "life and environment are one, i.e. we are one with our environment, not separate, and the land in which we live is affected by the minds of the people and how they live and treat their environment. That is to say, our environment is a reflection of the minds of the majority of the people. 

So for Buddhist that understand is cause and effect, i.e. karma; thus, they can see the affect coming. It is not some prophecy, it is just common sense. If we treat mother earth and each other with deception, lies, hate and death then the place in which we live will become a mirror of those causes, just as it has.

So honestly this is hard to say, but I think it needs to be said, humanity has failed, we do not deserve this beautiful world. Evil has taken over good, and the innocent are being terrorized, and all the "fighting spirits" are running rampant, it is just as Nichiren said it would be in the "Latter day of the Law," (Mappo, state of confusion, denigrated age). Thus, all the good deities and good spirits have left our country.

Good people in our government have failed to act when humanities hour of need was there, but instead joined the other side. While Americans and people across the globe are so ignorant and blind to fall for ancient malevolent wicked teachings found in the Bibles and Qur'an that aided the Illuminati in their plans for the New World Order; despite the mountain of evidence the world placed before the brainwashed religious slaves on the right. So by our apathy, and complacency, but mostly it has been the American Christian arrogance which like Rome has been the down fall of all humanity among other darker means that are tied together like wasp. 

The Ancient Text State that if the People do nothing to protect Buddhism but instead stand by and watch it be destroyed; the land in which they live will also be destroyed.

  If you want to understand why the world is in such turmoil today; one only needs to simply examine the ancient text.

The facts are the world has worked to destroy Buddhism and the good Law, and this government also has worked to obstruct the Lotus Sutra which is not a religion but the natural law that governs all things. 

[Dear President Obama, Please release Bradley Manning and stop trying to prosecute Edward Snowden for they are only the voice]:

Thus, the world throughout history has trampled on Buddhism and thus as the Sutra states all the good deities and the guardian good spirit of Buddhism have left this realm because they see no goodness left, and if there are any left we should praise them for their patients because I too feel as if no one cares to even hear the good Law of the middle way, but instead cling to lesser things, and malevolent ancient Monotheistic doctrines that have been proven to be forgeries and evil works that only cause misery and destruction. But none will listen to reason.

Nichiren Shonin’s, Rissho Ankoku Ron States:

The Traveler inquired:

  It is not I alone but all of the people who are grieving over these calamities of recent years affecting the entire land of Japan. Now that I am able to see you and listen to your respectable opinion, I would like to ask in what sutra it is stated that calamities and disasters occur in succession because the gods and sages deserted this country. What is the evidence for this?

The master responded:

   Many scriptures state this. Let me cite some of them. The Four Heavenly Kings (four guardian kings of Buddhism: Jikoku, Zocho, Komoku, and Bishamon) declare to the Buddha in the Golden Splendor Sutra (Konko-myo-kyo):

Suppose there is a king in a country where this sutra exists but has never been spread at all because the king would rather not recognize it or praise it. Even if he meets with the four kinds of Buddhists (monks, nuns, male followers and female followers) who uphold the sutra, he would not respect them or make offerings to them. As a result we, Four Heavenly Kings, our disciples and various gods will be unable to hear the teachings of this wonderful dharma, taste the nectar of the True Dharma, and bathe in the stream of the True Dharma. In the end we all will lose our authority and power, allowing only the spirits of the four evil realms(hell, realms of hungry spirits, beasts, and fighting spirits) to grow rampant in the land at the cost of heavenly and human spirits. People will all fall into the river of life and death, namely the realms of spiritual darkness and evil passion, losing the way to Nirvana.

  World-Honored One! Seeing this, we, Four Heavenly Kings, our disciples and others like the yaksa demons will give up this land, not wishing to defend it. It is not we alone who will abandon this king. Even if numerous protective gods exist to guard his country, I am sure they all will abandon it.

  When we, the guardian deities and protective gods, all abandon this kingdom, various disasters will befall it, and the king will be dethroned. All the people in the kingdom will lose compassion;arresting, killing, fighting, accusing, and flattering one another, causing even innocent people to suffer.

   Epidemics will spread widely; comets will appear often: two suns will rise at the same time; the sun and moon will eclipse at random; two rainbows, black ones and white ones, will appear foretelling misfortune; meteors will often be seen; the earth will quake;voices will be heard in wells; unseasonal storms will occur; famine will not end; tress and plants will bear no fruit; and many foreign bandits will invade the land. Thus the people will suffer in every way, finding no place to live in peace in this kingdom.

Next, it is stated in the Sutra of the Great Assembly (Dai-jikkyo):

  When Buddhism is about to disappear, the monks will grow whiskers and hair, their fingernails will lengthen and they will forget Buddhist precepts.

   Then great voices will ring out in the sky,the earth will quake, and everything will revolve like a hydraulic turbine.City walls will collapse and all houses will crumble without exception. Tree roots, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits, and with their flavors will disappear. With the exception of the Heavens of Pure Inhabitants (Jogo-ten),where resides sages who have reached the stage of not having to b reborn in the six realms of transmigration, everywhere else in the world of evil passion, the seven flavors (sweetness, hotness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, astringency and lightness) and three energies (of earth, dharma, and human beings) will be lost completely. Various discourses leading to emancipation will all disappear then, (predictions of Calamities in Sutras, pg. 28, Noppa).

Notice Monotheism's "four Angels", and as cited in Nichiren's Rissho Ankoku Ron, the "Four Heavenly Kings." Parallels?

STRANGE SOUNDS heard worldwide / This is one of them (Texas)

Strange Noises in the Sky...Trumpets of the Apocalypse?

Strange sounds all over the World:

Strange Sounds & Explosions Worldwide

So Judaism, Christianity and Islam all your prayers have been answered, your Armageddon has arrived; so congratulation and I hope you are all very happy. Manifest destiny really does work.


Edward Snowden:Solar-Flare 'Killshot' Cataclysm Imminent

Incidentally, if this is true and with all the disinformation and information out there who really knows what is true or not true; but ultimately it is an attack either way; if our government is holding back this information then that explains a lot. Thus, when do we all decide when this propaganda war will stop because if this is a false warning to instill fear then this is a mind game, a psychological  terrorist attack upon America right here, is it not?

Be sure myself and those good friends I know that also take refuge in the "Three Jewels" (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) will all ascends to the Buddha land, but we shall pray for all those that have spoke ill of Buddhism and have done nothing to protect it; as we have great compassion for all living things drowning in the sea of suffering, transmigrating for eons in misery, life time, after life time falling into lower realms by their bad karma brought on by the wrong causes,and wrong prayer.

The Original Buddha (Shakymuni Buddha)

An eternal golden light of Great Compassion brought the good medicine of the Lotus light, and all but a few can understand it or even hear it; like the Mahaparanirvanasutra states, "those that attain Enlightenment will be like the grains of sand on a finger nail."

I recommend people take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and chant, Namu Myoho renge kyo, and read and copy the Lotus Sutra as much as possible during these next 30 days. It will save and liberate you without question.

I am here for anyone that needs help with any thing I am able to help with. I can help others with how to recite the sutra and chant the Odaimoku (Namu Myoho renge kyo) if they are interested.

I pray all living things will accord with the mind of the Buddha, and all shall become the Buddha’s land! I make my most sincere prayer request to all the Buddhist gods that by the divine wind of the Buddha Dharma may the world be spared from such destruction of being burned by “The Great Fires” or by internal strife or foreign invasion.

One of my most dear passages from the Lotus Sutra chapter 16 that I believe fit this time.

Lifespan chapter 16 Lotus sutra:

The masses of beings see the kalpas exhausted. When they are burned by the great fires; This land of mine is peaceful and secure; Gods and humans ever fill it. Gardens and forest and various halls and pavilions, With various types of jewels adorned; On the jeweled trees many flowers and fruits, Wherein the masses of beings take pleasure and rejoice. The gods strike the celestial drums, Ever making instrumental music, Raining mandara flowers, Scattering them over the Buddha and the great assemblies. Though My pure Land is not destroyed, Yet the masses see it burned up, Worrisome fears and agonizing sufferings And such things all filling it up; These beings of various sins, Because of the causes and conditions of their evil karma. Though they pass through asamkheyas of kalpas;Do not hear the name of the Three jewels. Those who have preformed merit; Who are gentle and plaint, simple and upright, Then all see my body.”

Namu Myoho renge kyo!
Reverend Stephen Shonin

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