Regarding the Kempon Hokke priest in Japan
Update, note8: 11/19/2013
Note to the Kempon Hokke America, The issue now with the Kempon Hokke Japan is they have joined with Minobu and have left the practice of Fuju-fuse in the dust like priest generally do for profit. Thus, Nichiren's spirit is no longer there, but here in the west with you few rare believers that uphold the sutra as taught. Make no mistake Buddhism can only spread from the West now, The Japanese never heeded Nichiren's admonitions and thus look at the state of their nation today. It is just as Nichiren warned in his Risssho Ankoku Ron. Thus, best to avoid such evil spiritual friends, I feel it is okay that we travel to the places of Nichiren for study purposes but we should avoid any donation or contribution or support of any kind, and radiation. We should not fight with them, write them three warnings and depart as Nichiren teaches us; and let us focus on the purpose of Buddhism, i.e. saving and liberating beings. let us not be the 10,000 arguing maniacs of Buddhist thought, fighting over issues that "Mara" wants us to waste our time on. Nichiren had it just right about Mappo, and those that say Nichiren went to far in condemning evil spiritual friends and doctrine, do not fully comprehend the meaning of, "The most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand."
If I may add, please remember also this power over Americans and others the Japanese try and hold to give the lifeblood of some special training by them that now makes me a priest, like it is an eye opening ceremony only they can preform; Is this not the same kind of thinking, Fuju-ha master disciple control mechanism? Funny the Catholic church and other Monotheistic faiths have the same rules of faith to be a priest or nun. I would ask someone to show where Nichiren decrees such training that must come from the Japanese, and in fact I have been to japan and met many priest and they do not even know what the five major works are. Reverend Kubota's son Rev. Hiede is a so-called Nichiren priest and I spoke with him at length for many days and he knew nothing of even the titles of any of the five major works. I know one requisite to be a Nichiren priest is to know the "Kanjin Honzon Sho," (On the True object of Worship) inside and out, and memorized if possible. We Americans I promise are much more sincere and qualified to be priest, just by our own humble and seeking nature compared to the nepotism and self righteous attitude Nichiren warned them of. It is a trap for control, just like Reverend Tsuchia tried to rule over us, that without him (Japanese kempon Hokke) there can be no enlightenment. As you know, and as I stated before this is not the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra, our enlightenment is through the succession of the scrolls of the sutra (Kyogan Sojo). They even ignore Nicihju Shonin, amazing really, arrogant priest indeed!
Just wanted to share those thoughts.
Reverend Stephen Shonin
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