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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Stephen Shonin Paine tells it like it is and is hated for it [Dear SGI and NST leaders, members, and priests]

Re: SGI Daimoku and Doctrine, None have taken me up on the debate here yet . .

November 23, 2013 at 5:23pm

 Now the cult leaders of SGI removed my post, and thus the SGI refused my challenge to a debate by withdrawing and running for cover. Thus, their doctrine has been exposed as false and thus the world should be clear that the SGI and the Nichiren Shoshu do not represent the true Niciren school as taught by the original Buddha from India some 2700 years ago. 

Also directly to (their) your question, remember, Buddha said, "Follow the law, not people." And the SGI is all about following your leaders, throwing out the Lotus sutra, i.e. the original Buddha. It is what Nichiren fought for his entire life, and the SGI members miss it because they twisted the idea in your head, and your use to hearing it now. I went through it, and so did a select few that have had the wisdom and courage to accept they have been duped. i.e. brainwashed and get out . 

I can tell you stories of people I saw die over and over in the SGI, and I know for a fact that when the Taisekiji priest die what happens to their bodies shows their slander. Let me also tell all SGI members this. I have spent years researching this, and if you stay in the SGI you are slandering the Lotus sutra and Nichiren. This goes for NST members also. I know it is a fun social club, but it is a burning house. Yes you have a relationship with the Lotus Sutra but your subverting the true intent and causing confusion about Nichiren's true thought across the globe. Your obstructing the true "dispersion" of the Lotus Sutra (Kosen-Rufu); I know for a fact based on Buddhist doctrine there is no enlightenment in this body from the SGI faith, it can only lead a person to a bad place as Nichiren teaches us.

Please know I do this out of compassion and my intent here is to open the way for you to at least have the opportunity to make your own choice and see both sides.

Best wishes!

Namu Myoho renge kyo!
Stephen Paine

+Shane Hatch I have written extensively on the Dali lama, and see this is where you have no understanding whatsoever of Buddhism, its history or the tradition you talk about. For one thing Tibetan Buddhism has little to do with the Buddhism Shakyamuni taught, it is mostly Hinduism dressed up to look like Buddhism, and now everything you say is in conflict with true Nichiren thought. I am glad what I say is in complete conflict with the Dali lama who destroys Buddhism true intent, proof by your comment here today. You need to go back and study Nichiren's real teachings, but of course you know better. Nichiren's Buddhism is all about upholding the Lotus Sutra, do you have any idea how ridiculous the statement is here you made. Nichiren's Buddhism is built on the foundation of Fuju-fuse, no giving , no receiving. Even your Akimoto Gosho support Nichiren thought not to mix the teachings. Thus, by such a statement you prove that you are not a Nichiren Buddhist at all, but an SGI member that is lost is some mystic law new age every bodies ok political correctness wishing mantra club. Just in Nichiren Rissho Ankoku Ron alone he demolishes your statement here.

Dear all SGI and NST  members,

   I am sorry you are so lost by the SGI doctrine that has little to do with Nichiren's Buddhism. I was once in your so-called Nichiren group but through investigation and education I discovered they subvert Nichiren's true thought and it leads people to a very bad place when their lives come to an end. I know what happens to people that stay within these groups. This form of Nichiren's Buddhism is very dangerous and will not lead you to Buddhahood. I was trained by professors, experts in Nichiren Buddhism. Thus, I am a scholar of Nichiren's Buddhism, and have taught it online for years.

If anyone here sees the problems and wants help just come to my face book and I will teach you the correct way of practice as Nichren actually taught. For example, kosen-rufu doesn't mean world peace, it means to spread the Lotus sutra far and wide. The distortions abound and I can show you clear proof how you are not practice as Nichiren actually taught.

Understand your Gohonzon (mandala) have been altered, and I can show you based on what Nichiren said that your on a path to the lower realms. Most of your writings are forgeries and even your Gongyo is altered; and talking about intent, you have no idea what your even saying and why. Trust me you have all been duped. I am trying to save you a lifetime of misery. There is not one person I know that can defeat me in a debate on Nichiren's doctrine on earth, many have tried but it is impossible because everything I state is in accordance with the Buddha (Lotus Sutra) and Nichiren. I challenge anyone to an open debate!

Listening to you reminds me of the ignorance that is spewed about in the SGI, and it is truly sad that so many people can be tricked into throwing out the Lotus Sutra, i.e. the original Buddha. Seek what Nichiren really says about the eternal Buddha Shakyamuni for your own research. Don't listen to the drone like masses here that think they know better because they are brainwashed. "Just my opinion." you say . . everything I state is in accordance with Nichiren doctrine. I was trained in Japan, been to many historical places of Nichiren, trained by a famous priest and author from Rissho university for almost a decade, but if you think you know better keep doing what your doing and one day you will look back and say I should have listen to Mr. Paine.

My wife and I achieved the highest point in the SGI, and be sure it is an empty and void of any blessing from the Lotus Sutra. I have study Buddhism in China and Japan and have traveled the world. I am taking the time here to try and help you because I care about each one of you, and know how you have been tricked. I was there as were many that now are trying to sort there lives out. Don't believe the leaders they are totally mindless drones now. I have defeated them all in debate, Williams, Mr. Ziatsu and the rest. I can show you through careful research going through it together that everything i say is true. Even the daimoku you are chanting will not save you because you have the wrong Gohonzon and the wrong faith altogether.

Namu Myoho renge kyo!

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