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Saturday, November 16, 2013

SGI Sweden going the way of the Saab automobile?

Unlearned, unstudied, and brainwashed, each and every Swedish SGI member is sowing the seeds of spiritual bankruptcy.


  1. apparently mr williams passed today or yesterday. too bad he was the victim of false religion and betrayed by his friends(ikeda and staff).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Its easy to suspect your involvement with the sketchy anonyomus video. Note I support anonymous and free speech activism by all means but this video is a hoax, comments are also closed, and it's an irresponsible misuse disguised as internet activism. It's not real, who else would possibly bear such an intense passion for hatred against sgi? You dont know who I am and also have revealed your sensationalist leanings and intellectual dishonesty all that is left is the alienated white male syndrom showing off online.

  4. study the real teachings sweetheart.

  5. Hi Mikael. Point proven. I would seek out a real practice and real Gohonzon.
