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Monday, December 30, 2013

Dear readers:

What do you want to hear/read? Let me know. I think I can accommodate you.


  1. Personally, I would like to see less general anti-SGI stuff and more of your (or Graham Lamont's) commentaries on the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's Writings. I have also enjoyed where you have shown the SGI interpretation of a Gosho in comparison with a Kempon Hokke one.

    Also, you frequently talk about which Gosho are official or approved, compared with the SGI's fake ones. It would be nice if you could post a list of which Gosho the Kempon Hokke use. Also, do you have your own translations of these Gosho and are they available online, or do you rely on the SGI translations?

    I still find you post a little too much for my liking (299 posts in December!). I just think it may be more productive to see 5 or 6 great posts a week and believe it may lead to more discussion in the comments sections. As I've said before, knowing my comments will be relegated to page 7 or 8 in a few days doesn't motivate me to comment on as many posts as I would like and maybe other readers feel the same. I just think with the quantity of readers you get it would be nice to see more people joining in with comments.

    Overall though, keep up the good work and feel free to continue posting whatever and however much you would like. On the whole, I find your blog very informative and interesting and have shared the link with other members in my district. I don't always agree with you, but this blog has certainly made me think more deeply about my own practice.

    Finally, I'd like to wish you, your family and friends, and the readers of this blog, a Happy and Healthy New Year.

  2. Thank you for your felicitations and sharing Eagle Peak blog with your friends. I don't think your seniors would be pleased. I use the Nichiren Shu Gosho but they are not online. I search out research studies on Nichiren's problematic works and embrace textual parsimony. The Rokunai collection of Gosho are mostly safe and the Rokugai collection somewhat less. The Five Major Works are the gold standard but I would compare the SGI translations to the Nichiren Shu translations and any other translations you can find. I will take into consideration your critiques. The very best New Years to you and yours.
