"Many critricze the SGI for the notion that the SGI possesses vast amounts of wealth. Yet, how would it be possible for a true genuine and successful movement for world peace based on the wisdom of the inner most Dharma wisdom, at this time in human history, given the vast and sprawling nature of our global socio-economic system, to pursue such a lofty goal amidst the power and organization of so many nation-state systems to compete in the realm of ideas and value systems. " -- Etoro
Could you please site some clear passages from the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin to support your position?
Just the opposite. Others can hear and chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, whether wise or foolish, rich or poor, and for free. Gohonzon can be bestowed for pennies. Meeting with friends and family members also doesn't cost a dime. The Lotus Sutra costs twelve dollars and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin too are inexpensive or free.
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