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Saturday, December 7, 2013

How Nichiren Shoshu "wins" the debate

"We win, we win, you lose". [no judges, no independent verification, no nothing]. Just like the DaiGohonzon, no proof.


  1. Also,they "win" by refusing to address the refutations: 'When you post, Please make it short. tell us the essence only. too long to read !" -- Mike Kurokawa
    Perhaps they prefer wordless responses [proofs]? For example,their proof that the DaiGohonzon was inscribed by Nichiren:

  2. Nichiren was certainly brief in his five major works. Only resorting to many dozens of hundreds citations from Tientai, Chang-an, Dengyo, Miao-le, The Lotus Sutra, the Nirvana Sutra, and dozens of other Sutras and commentaries.

  3. our job is to speak the truth; if they don't get it due to a sick ,slanderous mind, that's their problem , or should i say karma. our encouragement is the "never disparaging chapter of the lotus sutra. ..........end of story.
