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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nichiren booing Ryokan? SGI members booing Nikken...SGI senior leader explains...

No. Booing is not a bad cause.

Let me explain why:

Suppose you awoke to find someone had broken into your house and was stealing your things and endangering your safety. What would you do?

Would you sit down and chant for his Buddha-nature to come out?

Of course not! You would chant furiously and call the cops! If before they came he started marching down the street carrying your stereo, you would run after him screaming.

But...once the cops had come and taken him to jail, you would go into your house and chant for him. Of course you would. Once your things and your family was safe, you would chant and chant for him.

Nikken is no different except what he has attempted to steal means more than a stereo. Once he is no longer capable of attacking the members, we will all send him Daimoku. First, we have to get him out of our house.

We did not start this problem. We did not excommunicate the temple members or leaders, we did not accuse them of things they did not do, we have not abandoned the NST members as fellow human beings. But, we have a right to be angry and we have a right to protest. I'm proud of those who did.

There is another reason that it was not slander. It says in the Gosho that, "if you see someone slandering the law but lack the mercy to correct him, you are in fact his enemy." What Nikken is doing to himself is worst than what he is doing to anyone else. If we do not let him know, we are in fact a worst enemy than one who would be silent and turn our heads away.

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