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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Soka Gakkai has features of fascism? Let's discuss.

Soka Gakkai has features of fascism. For examples [from Scruton]: "Heroic collective effort to attain a metaphysical goal"; "a scape goated demonized adversary"; "anti-egalitarian"; "hostility to democracy"; "hostility to the values of the Age of Reason [ age of Free Thought and Expression]"; "the cult of the leader and admiration for his special qualities"; "a respect for a collective organization and a love for the symbols associated with it"; " the doctrines [such as 'victory or defeat'] contains little that is specific, beyond anappeal to energyand action"; "authoritarian autocracy"; "pseudo radical populism"; "economic [and religious in the case of SGI]corporatism"; "spurred by a strong charismatic leader whose reactionary ideas are said to organically express the will of the masses"; "who are urged to engage in an heroic effort to attain a metaphysical goal". Also, there are features of SGI leaders'speech that mirror closely the speech of the nationalist socialist leaders.


  1. I agree.The organization is brainwashed into believing that what they do is for world peace when what they do is promote selling yourself out to the goals of society.Most of society is completely oblivious to the fact that they are mere pawns under control of psychopaths.This world has not changed since the days of Hitler.The only difference now is that rather than people actually being physically killed now it is just killing of the spirit.The people living in the concentration camps were more connected to their spirit than people walking around free now.

  2. Please have faith in the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra [Namu Myoho renge kyo] and you will come to see this world as the Buddha's land.
