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Thursday, June 3, 2021

Question and answer for today, 06/03/2021: One of my most important writings on the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren, and the Soka Gakkai. I hope you enjoy. (finalized)

I wrote on May 25, 2021 the following:

To propagate the authentic teachings of Nichiren (what Nichiren actually taught); to warn people about fake Gosho; to awaken people to the difference between Soka Gakkai Buddhism and Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism; to teach the importance of the Eternal Buddha and Gohonzon; to proclaim the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren mentors without peer.

Some one asked me a question about this writing:

"I am trying to follow your statements. Can you explain those differences for people like me that is actually considering to enter the SGI?"

I responded:
  1. 1). There is no such thing as a guru in Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism. Dead or alive whether implicit or implied, Daisaku Ikeda is the SGI guru. You are your own guru in Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism. We take as our teacher, the object of worship, the Gohonzon and the Lotus Sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren. The writings too can be considered our gurus or teachers. Nichiren and the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha are our teachers. They are teachers without peer. The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach thus.
  2. 2). Nichiren wrote several hundreds of his writings. 193??? have his signature and stamp. a hundred or so have no signature or stamp and fifty or so have been determined by scholars and priests to be fake. The SGI and Nichiren Shoshu, both called the Fuji School, rely heavily on the Gosho considered to be fake.
  3. 2 continued... Another thing which SGI and to a lesser extent the Nichiren Shoshu is in error is that they rely heavily on the earlier writings of Nichiren. They fail to follow Nichiren who explicitly stated that his writings before his exile to Sado (1271) were his provisional teachings [with the exception of his major writing, The Establishment of the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land] (1261)]. An example is, the SGI relies heavily on Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime, an earlier work, at the expense of the Five Major Writings. Besides, they rely more on their guru Ikeda's commentary on the writings then the writings themselves.
  4. We can come to realize which writings are true and which are fake through a correct faith and practice and diligent study.

  5. 3) SGI has taken as their banner of propagation, the Gohonzon of Nichikan. They call him, "The Great Restorer of Buddhism". I call him, "The Great Destroyer of Buddhism" for the following reasons: He calls Shakyamuni Buddha a "husk Buddha" rather than the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni of the 16th Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, as taught by Nichiren. Nichikan asserted that Nichiren rather than Shakyamuni Buddha was the True Original Eternal Buddha. Nichikan taught that the There are Three Lotus Sutras: The Lotus Sutra of the Former Day of the Law, the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra; The Lotus Sutra of the Middle Day of the Law, The Great Concentration and Insight of Tientai the Great; and the Lotus Sutra of this age, or Namu Myoho renge kyo. He taught that the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra is no longer applicable and, "we recite the Daimoku to smash the Juryo (16th) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra; we recite the Juryo Chapter to smash the Hoben Chapter of the Lotus Sutra; and we recite the Hoben (2nd) chapter to smash the provisional teachings. Nichiren stated that we can not discard merely a character of the Lotus Sutra.

    There are two parts to the Lotus Sutra. The first fourteen chapters are considered the Theoretical Teachings and the latter fourteen chapters are considered the Essential Teachings. The Essential teachings were taught by Nichiren to be more profound. However, Nichiren stated that we can not discard even the Theoretical Teachings. One of his statements that really opened my eyes was that The vast difference between the Theoretical Teachings of the Lotus Sutra and the provisional teachings of the Buddha (the greater difference in profundity) is nothing compared to to the vast difference between the Essential Teachings of the Lotus Sutra and the Theoretical Teachings.

    The Theoretical Teachings are that every single person is capable of attaining Buddhahood. The most imortant aspects of the Essential Teachings are: The Eternal Lifespan (Namu Myoho renge kyo) of the Tathagata, the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha is found in Chapter 16; the Gohonzon is found within the Eight Chapters from the 15th Chapter to the 22nd Chapter; and the doctrine of three thousand worlds in a moment of existence is finally completed in Chapter 16,

    I know this is complex but you will come to see what I say is true.


  6. One other caveat, please also study Nichiren Shu's translations of Nichiren'swritings. They derive, for the most part, from the original writings of Nichiren, the Showa Tehon collection of writings. The SGI's traslations derive from the modern Japanese collection of his writings, the Gosho Zenshu.

  7. SGI is self serving. They state, "you can only use and benefit from our copies of a Nichikan Gohonzon. The Nichiren Gohonzon is worthless because it doesn't derive from us." This is a great slander of Nichiren and all those who chant to a Nichiren Gohonzon. The Nichikan Gohonzon, the SGI's banner of propagation, was inscribed by the slanderer Nichikan who threw out and deprecated the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni and misunderstood and deprecated the Lotus Sutra.

  8. One last thing. The Nichikan Gohonzon is a Six World Gohonzon. The most common Nichiren Gohonzon is a Ten World Gohonzon inscribed in the Koan Era, from 1277-1281. The Ten World Gohonzons are the culmination of Nichiren's teachings. Having chosen a Nichikan Six World Gohonzon for his members demonstrates perfectly that Daisaku Ikeda, the guru of SGI, is deluded and not Enlightened.

  9.              I will be happy to answer any other questions you might have.


  1. If you don't accept that the Buddha is the Buddha of the sixteenth chapter of the Lotus Sutra you are not following Nichiren no matter what you say.

  2. As wrote Nichiren, "Shakyamuni" signifies Shakyamuni of the 16th Chapter. Shakyamuni Buddha of India who preached the provisional teachings and even the theoretical teachings of the Lotus Sutra is not the Eternal Buddha. Nichiren taught that all Buddhas, including Shakyamuni Buddha of India are reflections of the Eternal Buddha. More specifically, he likened the Moon to the Eternal Buddha and all Buddhas to reflections in a pond. Thanks for the excellent comment Phillip. How are you? California treating you well? Family?

    1. The wife's content. My sister moved back to town. California is California but I feel fine.

    2. Playing music? So glad to know another who embraces Nichiren's Three Treasures.

    3. Arthritis makes it difficult. I won't perform again. I keep a nylon string guitar to fiddle with when the mood strikes me. I can't complain. I had my times.

  3. As wrote Nichiren, "Shakyamuni" signifies Shakyamuni of the 16th Chapter unless appended with Shakyamuni Buddha of India or referring to the provisional teachings. Even the Shakyamuni Buddha who preached the theoretical teachings of the Lotus Sutra is not the Eternal Buddha. Nichiren taught that all Buddhas, including Shakyamuni Buddha of India are reflections of the Eternal Buddha. More specifically, he likened the Moon to the Eternal Buddha and all Buddhas to reflections in a pond. I didn't make the distinction, as I believe that Nichiren sometimes failed to make the distinction when speaking to a new believer because unless well studied, it is difficult to make the distinction. Even some scholars and priests fail to make the distinction. Hats off to you!

  4. Is a butsudan necessary for a self printed Gohonzon? Or can it be put up on the wall as it is?

    1. Apparently, Nichiren himself hung up Gohonzon without Butsudan as noted on even the earliest paintings of his huts (1300s?-1400s?). It all depends on certain factors...Pets who might damage Gohonzon, earthquake prone areas, friends or relatives who slander Gohonzon, extremely smoke filled, dusty, or periodically dirty environments... Whenever and wherever Gohonzon is in danger of being damaged, we should have a Butsudan or, at least, a very strong frame and acrylic? covering.

  5. Is it true that the object of devotion represents the life state of the person who made it? Like the Gohonzon represents nichiren's highest life state. And that I must not make a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha as my object of devotion because we don't know the life state of the person who made it?

    1. Excellent and extremely complex question that truly, only a Buddha with a Buddha could exhaustively penetrate. However, we as the Buddha's envoys and disciples of Nichiren may be able to touch upon an answer to your question. Let me reread your question again and again, think about it, and go over some of Nichiren's pertinenent writings and lets see if I can give you a satisfactory answer. Please give me 24 to 48 hours to respond.

    2. Sure, please take your time. Thank you very much

    3. I believe it retains the nature of the person who inscribes it and who performed the eye Opening Ceremony. Nichiren states, "Unless one who has grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra conducts the eye-opening ceremony for a wooden or painted image, it will be as if a masterless house were to be occupied by a thief, or as if, upon death, a demon were to take possession of one’s body."

      Nichikan for example...

      SGI has taken as their banner of propagation, the Gohonzon of Nichikan. They call him, "The Great Restorer of Buddhism". I call him, "The Great Destroyer of Buddhism" for the following reasons: He calls Shakyamuni Buddha a "husk Buddha" rather than the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni of the 16th Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, as taught by Nichiren. Nichikan asserted that Nichiren rather than Shakyamuni Buddha was the True Original Eternal Buddha. Nichikan taught that the There are Three Lotus Sutras: The Lotus Sutra of the Former Day of the Law, the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra; The Lotus Sutra of the Middle Day of the Law, The Great Concentration and Insight of Tientai the Great; and the Lotus Sutra of this age, or Namu Myoho renge kyo. He taught that the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra is no longer applicable and, "we recite the Daimoku to smash the Juryo (16th) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra; we recite the Juryo Chapter to smash the Hoben Chapter of the Lotus Sutra; and we recite the Hoben (2nd) chapter to smash the provisional teachings. Nichiren stated that we can not discard merely a character of the Lotus Sutra.

      Therefore, Nichikan has NOT grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra and his Gohonzon, instead of being possessed by the Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter, is possessed by a demon or a devil in the guise of the Buddha.

      Certainly the Gohonzon represents the highest life state of Nichiren, the Infinite Lifespan of the Tathagata (Namu Myoho renge kyo) and the Nature of the Eternal Buddha of the Juryo chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Lord Shakya of the Original Doctrine.

    4. Regarding the worship of a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha, as long as one understands that it is a representation of the Original Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo Chapter, the principle Buddha of the Lotus Sutra (and not the Shakyamuni Buddha of India who preached the provisional sutras), it is acceptable. Nichiren worshipped the standing Shakyamuni Buddha from the Sea, he received from the Lord of Izu. He enshrined it on Sado as his his Object of Devotion. One way we can always recall that a statue of Shakyamuni is the Eternal buddha is to place a copy of the Lotus Sutra before it. Another is to place it below and in front of Gohonzon...

      "When I was in the province of Sado, I lived in a graveyard called Tsukahara, at a place between the meadows and the mountains that was far removed from human habitation. I lived in a small hut built with four posts. The roof boards did not shut out the sky, p.774and the walls were crumbling. Rain came in as though there were no roof at all, and the snow piled up inside. There was no image of the Buddha, and no trace of matting or other floor covering. But I set up the figure of Shakyamuni, the lord of teachings, that I have carried with me from times past, and held the Lotus Sutra in my hand, and with a straw coat around me and a straw hat on my head, I managed to live there. Four years passed, during which no one came to visit and no one brought me food. I was like Su Wu, held captive for nineteen years in the land of the northern barbarians, wearing a straw coat and eating snow." - Condolences for a Deceased Husband

    5. Thank you so much for the explanation. Made things much clearer. I had another question if you could answer, when we talk about Shakyamuni as the eternal Buddha, are we referring to his past lives as well? That he took a vow countless lifetimes back to become the Buddha and in every lifetime made causes to become that? I'd read this somewhere on the internet long back,the story of him born as Sumedha And Dipankar Buddha was the Buddha at that time. Don't know how true is that. And that he was enlightened in several lifetimes, and before taking birth as Sidhartha Gautam, he scanned the family in which to take birth, deliberately being born as a prince so that people would listen to him. Everything was pre planned. He just got enlightened to this fact about his past lives under the Boddhi this a valid explaination? Been having this question since long.

    6. Also do you have a high resolution image of nichiren Gohonzon that I can print for myself?

    7. Please see todays post, High resolution Image of The Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma.

  6. Where can we find Goshos that are not fake and have proper translations (Showa Tehon one)? Any online source? Or version that can be purchased in India?

  7. You would have to ask Dr. Jacqueline Stone, Ruben Habito, Fumikiko? (will get the spelling or a Nichiren Shu priest who knows for certain. I have old non official printings of some of the major writings from the Nichiren Shu that I WAS TOLD are from the Showa Tehon collections. You may ask any of the above which Nichiren Shu translations are from Nichiren's originals because NOT ALL of even Nichiren' Shu's English translations are from the Showa Tehon Collection. Dr. Jacqeline Stone is capable of reading the original medieval Japanese and and pre-modern Chinese.

    1. Thank you! I did some research too and there are Nichiren Shu gosho books available which have been translated by Kyotsu Hori, but they are pretty expensive for me as i'm still a student. I believe they're not available online for free reading. Might be able to afford some time later. Thank you for your help, will keep this in mind :)

    2. I've been watching Gosho lectures of Threefold Lotus Kwoon lately, I was wondering if you are familiar about them, wrt what sect they belong to/are independent and whether the Gosho they refer to is based on Showa Tehon translation.

  8. I often listen to Sifu Sylvain Chamberlain's lectures which I enjoy a lot. He makes sense from a secular Nichiren point of view. You would have to ask him whether the English translations of gosho that he uses are frm the Gosho Zenshu or Showa Tehon. I think that most of the major sects have their own Japanese Modern Gosho translation (Gosho Zenshu). Were I to recommend which sects modern translation, I would pick anything from the Kempon Hokke (if you could find it) or the Nichiren Shu (because, at least, they embrace the same Three Treasures as Nichiren).

  9. Sifu Chamberlain is an Independent priest. Unlike the itinerant priests who travel here and there teaching the dharma, he has a fixed temple and training facility in Mississippi.

  10. "Eternal" is from the infinite past to the infinite future. This is the length of time in which the Eternal Buddha has been supremely and perfectly Enlightened (to Myoho renge kyo).

    Here is almost everything Nichiren ever taught about Shakyamuni Buddha of India and the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni (with fairly brief commentaries by me). I would estimate it is ~ 100 pages in total so it may take you some days to go through it. After reading it, you may still have some questions that I may be able to answer:
