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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Soka Gakkai members, I dare you to read this article. I dare you to attempt to refute it. Are you afraid?


  1. Have you really just posted a link to one of your own blogs from 10 hours ago??? If there is something important to say, which the writer of this experience obviously thinks there is, why hide it among a load of rubbish comparing the SGI colours to Pinocchio's clothes, a dummy saying the word Sensei over and over, and all the other bits and pieces of "humour" you post. I don't see how it respects either your readers or the source material.

    Why not give people a chance to read and comment on your posts. There are lots of posts I'd like to comment on but I've learned that there's generally no point wasting time outlining a reasoned argument or a justification of an SGI position, because within a few hours it will be hidden away among all the other bits and pieces of nonsense you post on here. And I'm sure other people must feel the same.

    I was looking forward to the "interesting discussion" about experiences of bad guidance, but no-one's posted anything. Does that mean that you were wrong and that there is no bad guidance within the SGI or is it because even people with negative experiences of the SGI can't be bothered to waste their time typing an experience when they know it will disappear onto page 50 of your blog within a few weeks.

    Limiting yourself to two or three well-thought out posts a week might stimulate a better discussion. It's only the 8th of the month and there's already 64 posts (and July had 209!!) That's more daily wisdom and guidance from Mark Rogow than SGI members receive from President Ikeda!

    To be honest, since you left the Kempon Hokke your blog has become more and more self-righteous, mean-spirited and petty, and I wonder if this is a reflection of your life state or just one of the pitfalls of relying on your own personal interpretation of the Lotus Sutra and the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin?

    I know I don't have to read your blog, but it's so addictive. "Eagle Peak Blog" is like the Fox News of the blogging world, and the more I read it, the more it comes across in its entirety as a satire of anti-SGI commentary, rather than a site with something important to say about Nichiren Buddhism and the way the SGI (amongst others) practices.

  2. Good post. I really don't have to defend my blogging to you because for the last 10 days I have gotten more than one thousand hits four or five times. I posted this link again because I received this heartfelt comment on facebook and want as many people as possible to see and experience the ugly reality of the Soka Gakkai;:

    C.C: "A thoughtful, well written article that I agree with, from my personal experiences through the years. Thank you for sharing this with us. Maybe someday I will collect my thoughts enough to write them down to share. So many of us who have left the SGI after a lifetime with them have many stories to share. Mostly now I am focusing on now, living my old age & enjoying each day as I am able. Thank you for all that you do in your life to help others."

    Apparently you miistake self-rightousness for absolute confidence in the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin, and self awakening as a Bodhisattva of the Earth and disciple of Nichiren Daishonin.

    You still didn't address the article. Keep reading my blog, you might awaken from your bad dream. I can do without your SGI cult bull-baiting ["mean spirited and petty"], however.
