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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

TEPCO doublespeak. How reassuring!

"For the work in the reactor building, it is important to decontaminate/shield the contaminated area etc. from the viewpoint of reducing radiation exposure. In selecting decontamination methods, it is required to select them on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation of decontamination performance, applicability, radiation exposure and the processing characteristics of secondary wastes etc., but since the data on the decontamination performance of each decontamination method for each contamination situation is limited at present, evaluation of the applicability will be conducted."

1 comment:

  1. I see. Spend a couple of years?, five years?, ten years? twenty years? trying to decontaminate the un-decontaminatable while evaluating the "failed" method and then trying something else. My question, was placing Chernobyl in a sarcophagus such an abject failure that we have to go another route?
