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Monday, January 27, 2014

Many more people should be viewing the Soka Gakkai propaganda film

Why? Because it is the first time in history that a crooked shadow is attacking the crooked body. The second reason is the extent to which Soka Gakkai will go to vilify their enemies. In Japan, it is maintained by some that SGI will go so far as to eradicate their enemies, having them thrown off of roofs, disappeared, shot, or even stabbed by their Yakuza friends. Soka nation is really not much different than Russia, China, Japan, and the good ole USA.


  1. Still another truth that can be garnered from this film is that the SGI treats some of their young members the exact same way Nikken is portayed as treating some of his young priests. I have witnessed it myself with their Vice General Director Guy McCloskey throwing a YMD against a wall for some minor point of disagreement.

  2. Probably, the young man said that Daisaku Ikeda was wrong about something.

  3. Probably not worth bothering to reply to this but you gotta love Mark Rogow's train of thought...

    (1) Look at this propaganda video (original post links to a short clip with no explanation of where it has come from, who made it, or why a dramatization of events that have happened or conversations that probably happened based on subsequent events which happened constitutes propaganda.

    (If you haven't watched it, the video clip is 90% Nikken and senior leaders talking about how arrogant President Ikeda is and trying to decide how to get rid of him. These conversations are probably not based on transcripts but the events that followed in which the SGI was excommunicated have obviously informed what may have been mentioned in the meeting. The other 10% of the clip shows senior priests physically and verbally abusing junior priests for their slovenly attitude or posture. Maybe he was lying, but one of my senior leaders from Japan often witnessed this kind of incident when he visited Taiseki-ji and I have heard similar reports from three or four other sources, so again the clip depicts events similar to those that have happened even if they are not 100% accurate library footage.)

    (2) A few days later, Mark is incredulous. This is IMPORTANT. Why aren't more people checking it out? (Relink to original post) Readers think "Wow, there must be some incontrovertible damning evidence of the SGI propaganda machine in action... oh no it's just a clip from a boring "made for TV" movie about the SGI's excommunication from Nichiren Shoshu!").

    (3) This "is the first time in history that a crooked shadow is attacking the body.". Why is Mark suddenly a cheerleader for the Nichiren Shoshu? What difference does it make to him? Also, what actually happened? Did President Ikeda challenge the priesthood's arrogance or were the priesthood innocent victims of President Ikeda's thirst for power, that had no other option but to excommunicate him? . Whether you agree with President Ikeda or not, if President Ikeda did think the priesthood were not following Nichiren Buddhism in accordance with the Gosho and Lotus Sutra and were behaving arrogantly towards the lay members, why shouldn't he have the right to challenge them? Mark seems to think it's okay to challenge the SGI and their leaders in the US, but not okay for President Ikeda to do the same!

    You obviously believe you are one of the few authorities on Nichiren's Buddhism, but rather than using that power for good, and using your enlightened wisdom to polish the SGI-USA when you were a member and make it shine, you just ran away and joined another school. Years later, rather than using that wisdom to polish the Kempon Hokke and make it shine, you seemed to just run away again and set up your own little group.

    What happened to the debate that was going to take place between KH leaders and your friends? It was shaping up to be a great debate between an enlightened mind practising the Law in exact accord with Nichiren and Shakyamuni's teachings and an arrogant priesthood. So what happened? You just seemed to suddenly declare that you were no longer associated with the Kempon Hokke and relaunched your blog.

  4. (4) Anyway, back to the post and Mark's next assumption that a dramatization based on events which happened demonstrates the extent to which the Soka Gakkai will go to vilify their enemies.

    How are they being vilified? The only really contentious part is when the senior priests are bullying the junior priests, which I have heard from people I trust that they have witnessed. You then express in your comments that this clip shows a truth that SGI senior leaders do the same. Why is a clip of senior priests abusing junior priests proof that the SGI does the same? Surely, the event you witnessed with Guy McCloskey is the proof that the SGI does the same, not the clip!

    (5) Finally there's a huge leap of faith and suddenly "it is maintained by some that SGI will go so far as to eradicate their enemies, having them thrown off of roofs, disappeared, shot, or even stabbed by their Yakuza friends." Welcome to the world of Fox News. "Some say", "Some people on Capital Hill are saying", and other similar phrases are useful for pushing an agenda or point of view without needing any facts, details or evidence of which people are actually saying it!

    So in less than 5 sentences we go from "check out this video" to "SGI use stabbings / disappearances / shootings and Yakuza connections to eradicate their enemies" without any proof or links to these far more interesting stories.

    The reader is now intrigued and can't resist clicking on the link looking for intrigue, clandestine meetings and spice, but disappointingly ends up with a clip from a bland badly acted reconstruction on a History Channel docudrama.

    I'm sure Nikken and the Nichiren Shoshu are still in shock at this malicious vilification of their innocent behaviour to protect the priesthood.

  5. There were many demonstrations and an investigation into the death of an assembly woman who was either thrown from a building or jumped to her death. Just because SGI was exonerated doesn't mean they didn't do it. As many guilty men walk as their are innocent men who are convicted, even more regarding the rich and powerful.

    Similarly, a famous Japanese movie director purportedly killed himself while developing an anti-Gakkai film. Many questions were raised but SGI money and power again succeeded in quashing the investigation.

    In these cases too, was the "truth negotiated" through SGI's money, power, and influence?.

  6. You mean the crooked shadow of the crooked tree of Taisejeji?Hardly praise for the Nichiren Shoshu, just the lengths to which the Gakkai goes in order to vilify their enemies. On ARBN, for years, Gakkai pitbulls were mischaracterizing and lying about anyohne and everyone who dared criticize their organization and president. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, has a bill, and webbed is a duck. When you hear hoofbeats on the plains of North America, only a fool thinks zebras.

  7. Oh the irony:

    "Anyway, back to the post and Mark's next assumption that a dramatization based on events which happened demonstrates the extent to which the Soka Gakkai will go to vilify their enemies."

    It is you who make assumptions. The assumption that Nikken walks, talks, and acts the way he is portrayed in the video [an actual "dramatization based on events"]. Was there a video camera? All you offer is he said she said evidence, no videotape, no transcripts, no nothing, Pure propaganda of the worst most insidious type, like Jews with long noses holding wads of cash while lauding it over the poverty stricken masses.

  8. Neither Tsuchiya, the Kempon Hokke powers that be, the Nichiren Shoshu, the Nichiren Shu, nor the Soka Gakkai has ever agreed to debate us over doctrine nor the means to attain Buddhahood in this very body. Neither will they enter into a rain challenge with us. These are facts not ASSumptions..

  9. Nichiren was a Nembutsu accolyte and then a Tendai priest before founding his own school. We are returning to Nichiren while distancing ourselves from evil spiritual friends, you know, those like the Soka Gakkai, Kempon Hokke, and Nichiren Shu who engage in interfaith prayer meetings, and the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu scum who throw out Shakyamuni Buddha and alter Nichiren Daishonin's teachings.

  10. nice reply mark. not a nichiren buddhist is a phony. Lotta's of blah, blah, blah, but cannot speak of the teachings. just like his mentor. the sgi and nst point their finger and say stupid things about one another, and the gak may do, from time to time, some childish skit, but they never have and never will debate the teachings with each other, or anyone else. why is this? it is because they would both lose. the shoshu has had 500 years to make up their own teachings, and the sgi and ikeda don't care what the teachings really are, because they have their own agenda. money and power. not a nichiren buddhist is a complete idiot because he cannot see that both nst and sgi ARE THE SAME. nst has the high priest and sgi has ikeda . both are cults. when one joins the sgi they inherit a minimum of 50 leaders. whats up with that? if you seriously study the teachings and seek good accurate translations, or even the crap that sgi/nst put out, you should be able to see that neither have the faith or practice that nichiren put forth. if you are a real nichiren buddhist , you should be able to discuss the teachings. yes? so come on , lets discuss the teachings. are you afraid? you should be. your master/mentor is. what mark has been saying is that we don't need any phony priests, phony leaders, or even phony members such as your self. why can't you see that? next time you show up here, lets talk about the teachings. if you cannot do that , don't bother. your whinny shit has gotten old. unlike the sgi propaganda, this is a buddhist blog. cheers.

    1. one more thing; if you can't speak of the teachings , i demand that you stop referring to yourself as NICHIREN BUDDDHIST. that in itself is slander. best wishes.
