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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Change coming to the real american Kempon Hokke

Dear Reverend, Shinkei Marcheso, and Mark Rogow, I am so happy today to be united with the Sangha that upholds the Lotus Sutra; however, I do have some concerns about the debating that has gone on with the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu since the inception of Kempon Hokke.

It is my assertion based on Nichiren’s admonitions that we in fact by NOT sticking to certain debating rules and using the strategy of the Lotus Sutra are associating essentially with evil spiritual friends; but at the least they are consuming all our energy and time to develop and establish a Lotus Sutra society.

Thus, because we are not admonishing them three times and departing, and when we stay to go over and over something when the SGI leaders know well they are liars and frauds, they are dragging us down, and so they work to waste our time. Keeping us busy answering the same questions over and over. Dr. Mark Rogow has defeated them over the years a million times. And as we know the only people that can see the truth are those that have come to maturations, so there is no convincing these icchantikas. .

I know Nichiren states it is better to refute heretical doctrine then practice for a long duration, but he also says not to associate with evil spiritual friends so here is my suggestion because I have seen it destroy the Kempon Hokke. Let us be wise, we are not strong enough yet. We have to be smart and set down a solid foundation. We are wasting so much energy in my opinion. We should work on developing new believers. It is like Graham and I always said, we need to develop and teach even 10 people, so the Dharma will carry on. I mean were getting older and we only have a short time left.

The solution is we protect what we distribute. So we are not reckless with information, not saying anyone is now, but since we are just a new budding Sangha and with the fall of KH Japan I feel we should work to establish a temple and train new believers. I have people I am writing here now that are asking good questions, new faith just coming out of the SGI. So all the work Mark and you guys are doing is paying off however once these people see the truth, they are lost in the arguments and there is know one there to teach them. So if we create debating rules we take control of the conversation. We just lay down the rules as any academic venue would, that is to say, these are the facts period that have been proven by scholars and researchers and if you do not accept these as criteria of the debate then they are out. We need to put the SGI on notice, and we write a letter to inform the Nichiren community that the debating with the SGI has become so dishonest and with the money laundering and other problems with the proof of their forgeries, and altering the basic tenant of Nichiren Buddhism we have establish certain debating rules for our Lotus school out of respect for the Lotus Sutra, the eternal Buddha and Nichiren.

We are the authority on Nichiren, and the sect that protects Nichiren’s doctrine so we take complete control as such.

Then we have people assigned to the debating forum, and we announce that we are totally united, and we are opening a forum to teach people that are truly sincere about learning Nichiren’s Buddhism proper. At the same time we can be preparing the work needed to establish a temple and University. We can find a good grant writer and so many other projects that we need to do to establish Kempon Hokke in America. We keep our plans close to our chest, so no one can try to obstruct it. Moreover, I was trying to translate our own Goshos for the American believers. We need our own five major works, and all the letters of Nichiren’s we can get translated, not to mention the Lotus Sutra. There is so much we have to do to build a foundation; while the question and answer and debating is easy to win, like cutting through butter, and it will become more valuable if we take control. Not trying to discount what you doing, just saying it is time for us to grow and build our foundation for the future. The SGI will fall on its own; we are the future of Nichiren’s Buddhism if we have that vision.

I would be glad to help write some debating rules. I mean otherwise what is the point like you and Fred have recently told them these are accepted facts by everyone else but the SGI. It has become a circus; they are just keeping us busy so we can never grow. That is their plan that is why they are making fun of everything. It is all a joke to them; they are running us around in circles and I bet they were told to do this. That is how they work. They will also work to infiltrate us, so we have a lot of work to do to protect the precious Three Treasure we are now holding together with a string.

Respectfully, Stephen Paine


  1. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.
    Muchas Gracias.thank you very much.
    i'm one who practice the teaching of our beloved Buddha.(lotu Sutra).
    planing to have a the name (lion sangha of Nichiren)teaching the the lotu sutra.with respect Sebatian.
    Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

  2. The very best to you and the Lion Sangha of Nichiren. May many Bodhisattvas emerge from the earth!
