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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nikke [Jerry] simply and totally debunks the Tsuchiya, Nichiren Shu, and Nichiren Shoshu Eye Opening Ceremony BS

Nichiren states "person" [not priest] who knows the heart of the Lotus Sutra is capable of performing the Eye Opening Ceremony. One who chants Namu Myoho renge kyo with the same faith as Nichiren Daishonin knows the heart of the Lotus Sutra.


  1. that is what i have always thought. very encouraging.

    thank you nikke and mark.

  2. "only we can open the eye$ of Gohonzon", "no, only we", "no no no, only our priest$", "wrong, only $GI Gohonzons are valid", "Only if it'$ based on the DaiGohonzon", "only a Ni$$en Gohonzon blessed with Okozui [HB$ B$ holy water]."
