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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rely on the person not the Law?

"In the November 9, 1992 World Tribune (WT) p. 5, the late Richard
Causton, former general director of the SGI-UK, stated,
"We must deeply understand that the heritage of the Universal Law of
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can only be transmitted through organizations
joined in unity, based on faith in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism and
the principle of the oneness of master and disciple." (emphasis
added). Mr. Causton also explains his reference to "the oneness of
master and disciple" as follows:  "All of us who chant Nam-myoho-renge-
kyo, which our ultimate master, Nichiren Daishonin, taught us, can
develop the eyes of the Buddha; but it is President Ikeda, our master
in life, who guides us through the rocks and shoals of this life, with
pride and gratitude. President Ikeda has taught me everything.  "The
article also states:  "Hence, the master gives his guidance based on
his interpretations of the Gosho in contemporary terms and his
experience of action, both for his own human revolution and for
guiding the movement for kosen-rufu. We as disciples, must then set
out to prove its validity for ourselves . .
"An editorial in the WT of November 16, 1992, p. 2, stated:
"One way [of making 'sincerity' real in our lives] is to constantly
renew our determination to live with sincerity by putting President
Ikeda's guidance into action every day . . . It's important to study
Nichiren Daishonin's writings and the guidance of President Ikeda, but
unless we put all these words into action, they are meaningless."
"In the January 11, 1993 WT, p. 4, Mr. Ikeda stated:
"Since the Buddhist way of mentor and disciple is the ultimate way for
humanity, it is impossible to grasp even the tiniest fragment of it if
your efforts are only half-hearted. How faithfully did Mr. Toda follow
and protect Mr. Makiguchi?  And how faithfully did I follow and
protect Mr. Toda?  To a degree nearly unimaginable by people today.  I
could not hope to serve that great leader of Buddhism, Mr. Toda,
without a determination to give up my own life if necessary. In that
fierce determination we find the very essence of what it is to be
"In the November 16, 1992 WT, p. 5, Mr. Ikeda stated:
"Those who think that the times when the SGI is facing terrible
persecutions has
nothing to do with themselves will receive no benefits.  They have
nothing to commend themselves; they have no faith.  But those who
fight with the conviction that they are personally being persecuted
possess truly great faith.  Those who can maintain their faith until
the last moment of their lives --even if they are thrown in jail
because of their faith for 20 or 30 years -- are true Buddhists, true
'revolutionaries' directly linked to the Daishonin."
In the September 12, 1994 WT, p. 5, Senior Vice General Director David
Kasahara stated:
" . . . The more we strictly follow the Law, including, in my mind,
President Ikeda's guidance, the more capable we become at being
flexible in our awareness of what others need for their
happiness. . . ."
In the May 3, 1996 WT, p. 10, Mr. Ikeda stated:
"Ultimately, Buddhism comes down to the person. I did not wait to
place my trust in President Toda until I had learned about the
Daishonin's teachings. Rather, I came to trust Buddhism because I
first believed in the person, Josei Toda."

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