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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Questions for leaders on the SGI Chanting [pot] Growers Group

Does everyone smoke a bone before the meeting? Is it required or is it optional? Do you burn incense before the Gohonzon or weed? Does President Ikeda supply snacks for post meeting munchies? Instead of evergreens do you offer fresh cut Sensimilla? Do you have a picture of Daisaku Ikeda or Cheech and Chong on the altar? Do you use Gohonzon water in your bongs? Is everyone’s favorite experience when you chanted long and hard and finally succeeded in finding a rare female marijuana seed? Do you offer marijuana brownies to the Gohonzon? When Danny Nagashima comes to your meetings does he become even more loud and boisterous after a few tokes or does he mellow out?


  1. One day when I was in the S.G.I I attended a public meeting with representatives from the organisation .One was a famous pop singer of her day.She announced in front of the meeting that the Ecstasy drug was good to create a community spirit.I have dealt with people on drugs and have seen many people lives being destroyed by them.I went up to her later and told her
    that she should have not said that .She just cuddled me and said I love you trying to manipulate me thinking I would melt and change my mind.I later I told a top leader of my concerns and she turned around and said that it was up to people if they took drugs. This I found unbelievable because they were illegal in the country whether they believed it should be be or not.I said of course it is up to people if they want to take them but it is different if she was representing the organisation and spoke publicly about them.Strangely soon after a pop group leader announced publicly he took drugs and was thrown out of the group.Can you believe it they seem to have more of a moral obligation then the so called religious
    movement.Over the years I have made myself unpopular because I do not believe one should be taking drugs as well as practicing this Buddhism.The reason why even Marijuana which they call a soft drug I have seen people become addicted. This can cause drug induced psychosis .I am fed up with the so called truth movement saying it is harmless. I have seen people unable to string two words together and become sexually disinhibited in public. With the so called hard drugs they come out of the system very quickly about 48 hours but MarIjuana stays in the system and is stored in the fatty cells of the body and can take at least 28 days . All drugs are mind altering and mood altering. Now how can that be compatible with ones devotion to the Law that needs the senses to be pure and not altered by chemicals or substances even if they are so called natural.This is just as bad to me as having an incorrect view or perception due to an erroneous beliefs.People will do what they want I know and it is their right but we need some balanced information about drugs.Alcohol can also be just as bad if not worse. Addiction is a tricky one because people are usually in denial until they reach rock bottom and realise that it is destroying their lives.

  2. There was in the day lots of drug abuse in the organization. There is a difference between takinjg prescribed drugs when proven effective through evidence based research and getting high for the sake of getting high. A knife may be used to cut one's food or another's throat..

  3. Of course you are correct.I suppose I am biased because I saw so much abuse of drugs and alcohol damaging intelligent and talented people including my brother.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Mark
    Few months ago i was reading Sensei's writing and I came across these lines -
    Three root cause of suffering in the latter day - 1. Overusage of alcohol or drugs.
    2. Mismanagement of personal finances.
    3. Irresposible relationship with girls.

    My life has improved after i applied these guidances into my life.

    I believe that everytime one comes across any kind of doubt or question in his heart, he should seek mentor for the right answer.
    The question is not if people abuse drugs but it is that why do they continue abusing it even when they suffer.
    Another thing is that we should focus on the value that we are creating here and now.
    Many times because of a weaker will a person starts to justify his/her actions, that doesn't mean that he/she is happy with that action.
    May be it is our time to rise and help those who are suffering. May be they doesn't realize what you understand is good for them, if that is the case let us pray for that person's happniess. By doing this may be we will find a new dimension to our lives.
    Let's expand oursevelves.

  6. Is this supposed to represent some profound insight that only a Buddha could convey? I'm sorry if I don't share your awe and admiration for this guidance. I fail to see the profundity of this most basic common sense which is taught in a myriad of religious and philosophical disciplines.
