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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

EXTRA EXTRA SGI admits no power to create Buddhas

"We have members who are not winning...Our members are suffering. Many members are suffering from depression. Experiencing violence and have committed suicide...lack of hope...lack of courage...children have been abused...acts of passive violence...gossip...bullying... rude behavior...eye rolling...disregard and constant criticism..." -- Akemi Bailey-Haynie top SGI WD leader


  1. Now lets go sing a rousing chorus of Forever Sensei!

  2. You may think it is noble that SGI is owning up their failings but by complaining and publically airing their dirty laundry, they show their lack of regard for the Law and the Buddha. They have no regard for the Law and the Buddha because they are disciples of the slanderer Daisaku Ikeda, not Nichiren Daishonin. How long before this video is taken down? A week? A month? See the video now.

  3. not sure what video u r referring to.

    nichiren said that those who turn their back on the lotus sutra , will and can only have the devil for a parent. it shows now and will show even more in the future.

