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Monday, March 17, 2014

Nichikan's mind differs from Nichiren's therefore Nichikan's Gohonzon differs from Nichiren's.

The SGI Gohonzon may have the appearance of an authentic Nichiren Gohonzon but the Nichiren Gohonzon [or one based on the Nichiren Gohonzon] assists one to quickly attain Buddhahood while the Nichikan Gohonzon assists one to fall into the Four Lower Worlds. 

The word Japan causes one to visualize all the people, customs, wars, tsunamis, mountains, rivers, and animals of Japan. Similarly, the Nichikan Gohonzon causes one to visualize the entire slanderous religion of Nichikan. Whether symbolic or actual, whether metaphor or entity, the Nichikan Gohonzon is not the same as the Nichiren Gohonzon because Nichikan's mind differed from Nichiren's.

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