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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nikke [formerly Shinkei] Shonin [Jerry Marcheso]

Nikke [Jerry Marcheso] of Anaheim California had been fully ordained and certified as a Kempon Hokke priest before being excommunicated for remonstrating with the head temple in Japan. He will make available copies of Nichiren Gohonzon for postage alone and I will gladly mount them for you if you send me a blank wall scroll [if you feel that you are not capable of mounting it yourself].

Donations may be offered to Nikke and Stephen Shonin Paine as food, clothing, or money. Monetary donations will go towards translations; lodging [temple donations]; robes; juzu beads; our priests [Nikke's and Stephen Shonin Paine''s] survival; books; materials and labor for the East Coast temple's construction [the temple on the West Coast is already built];  decorations and interior amenities. On a quarterly basis, all donation and expenses will be itemized and made available.

Presently, reverend Nikke's responsibilities are, perfecting his Japanese, translating the Gosho, the Kempon Hokke Seiten [teachings], translating the "secret documents" of the Nichiren Shoshu, chanting for the health and welfare of the members and the eternal prosperity of the Lotus Sutra Society, and refuting principally, the Nichiren Shoshu and the Soka Gakkai. He will begin his face to face encounters with the Nichiren Shoshu temple and the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Santa Monica in short order. Anyone who would like to accompany him, please let us know in advance.


  1. What a qualified nut job... Obsessed with Japanese culture, obsessed with being some NIchiren sect grabbing attention... Making a complete ass clown for people to marvel at like some circus entertainment... You people joining SGI is a complete curse.. look what this has resulted you to be... A lunatic westerner obsessed with imitating some type of Nichiren priesthood

  2. You know nothing about Shinkei, former US Marine and master carpenter.

  3. Can I contact Shinkei (Jerry Marcheso) directly regarding acquiring a few Nichiren Gohonzon(s) - regular, okatangi, joju size; etc. Cost and procedure (formalities if there is any)?

  4. Mark or Shinkei (Jerry),
    Can one of you let me know how I can contact Shinkei please? Thank you. Sincerely.

  5. e-MAIL ME...

  6. And in the end he returned to Nichiren Shoshu

    All those years of badmouthing the temple

  7. He chose Hell over Buddhahood. What a shame!
