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Monday, March 17, 2014

Rebecca, SGI YWD Area Chief has second thoughts

On SGI reorganizational structure:

"This won't change that many Youth are still turned off

I like the idea of concentrating on the districts, but it won't create new leaders. We still have very few youth leaders in general.  I'm an area ywd leader. In my few months in the position I've seen many ywd leaders burn out from the burden of so many meetings, responsibility of bringing in more youth, along with creating careers, and starting relationships and life. If you can't cut it you don't have enough faith.  (I devoted almost a year of my life to Rock the Era. I barely kept a job. My development in other areas stood still while I devoted every spare minute to Rock the Era.)  

The reason this Big Shift won't work is because SGI-USA still is Japanese in its structure.

Good in it's emphasis on helping individual members and behind-the-scenes efforts. Bad in the emphasis on sacrificing your time , and silent unquestioned acceptance about certain things, like about Soka Spirit fervor, adoring "Sensei" Average American youth doesn't want all that.  Example, as YWD, we have to sing:  

"Thank you Sensei....
Like a father you cheer us on
True disciples FOR ETERNITY

Ikeda Kayo-kai"  So much focus on President Ikeda! Why isn't the song about us and our own power? Why is it about "Sensei"? It turns young people off, because it feels weird. But questioning such adoration in SGI is tacitly unacceptable.  I read recently read:  "Mr. Toda also used to say, 'When you go to Eagle Peak, you should proudly declare, "I am a disciple of Josei Toda, the leader of kosen-rufu."' He told us to remain confident and assured even in the interval between this life and the next." May 2012 LB, 33  

Isn't my experience at death from my own merits? The experience of our buddhahood is what is important and works to transform us.  Mr. Ikeda places Mr. Toda and himself on a high pedestal - we call to them after death? For ETERNITY? Hey, Mr. Ikeda says wonderful things, but he's asking for a lot. And most wonderful things he says are interspersed with copious requests to connect to him spiritually and to spread the word. NON-STOP SPREADING.

I'm lying here getting over pneumonia and thinking about my role in the organization. This Big Shift is shifting things in me."



    People that would come here with false intention and hide behind a phoney identity will suffer as the sutra describes. Do not be fooled by people I remove from here, be sure I make sure of their true intentions before doing so, and you have to lie, steal, or slander another believer to be removed. So if anyone is gone they did one of these three things. Do not be pulled into their shallow world or fooled by the cunning deceit.

    In Gassho!

    "Medicine King! Even if there be some wicked person who out of an evil mind, throughout a whole kalpa, appears before the Buddha and unceasingly blasphemes the Buddha, his sin is still light, [but] if anyone, even with a single ill word, defames the lay devotees or monks who read and recite the Law-Flower Sutra, his sin is extremely heavy."

  2. for toda to even state something like 'say you are a disciple of jose toda the leader of kosen rufu' shows the arrogance that was prevalent in this cult from the start. i bleieve that the sutra states that jogyo bosatsu is the leader of kosen rufu. these slanderers have no idea of the gravity of their mistakes.

  3. Mr. Rogow - Please convey the following message to Rebecca exactly as I have written it:

    Your basic question, I believe, is about the relationship of a person to the Law. In other words, must a believer subjugate themselves to another believer because of organizational standing without the theoretical and practical proof of the validity of doing so.

    The significance of the discussion meetings seem to have changed over time, but the meetings were intended to be the forum for these questions to be heard, discussed, and answered. Therefore, you should bring your question to the discussion meeting. Before the meeting, chant to have unwavering faith in Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and think of nothing else. If you do that to your satisfaction, you will enter the meeting as a women of faith that cannot be ignored or shunned. The other members will be compelled to answer your questions.

  4. Interesting choice of words [subjugate]. To enslave? I suggest you look it up. I also suggest you find a sentence or a phrase in the Lotus Sutra or Gosho that supports your nonsense.
