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Monday, March 10, 2014

SGI the one true way of Buddhism?

The faith, conviction, and determination of SGI members is not what it seems. There are, however, non-SGI who do inherit the spirit of the Lotus Sutra from Nichiren Daishonin (not begrudging one's life). If I were them (the ones spouting, "SGI is the one true way"), I would be eager to prove my assertions through a Buddhist rain challenge, debate, or some similar actual proof challenge. I have given SGI members on the web every opportunity to vanquish us [those who actually follow Nichiren] through such challenges but in every instance they have proved themselves cowards. Here is an example:

Don Gropp SGI member:

"When the time comes again, I'll do it again. That's what one does when one is confronted with the three powerful enemies. To this day, I win, and win. Nothing, and no one, has ever defeated me, yet. I welcome worthy adversaries, for I already know the outcome."

Then further down, referring to me, he stated,

"Are you just such a worthy adversary?" And then I proposed a Buddhist rain challenge:

My Response: When you wake up you will read my response. It will not be easy for us to agree on a format, time, or place, of this I am sure but if you are absolutely determined to see this through, I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Rain challenges are the tried and true Buddhist actual proof challenge. You and I can pick a drought plagued area in which the people would benefit from rain. Each one will have a set limit of time to chant and produce rain. I will give you seven days in the agreed upon location. I will only need three days. Were you to go first and produce rain you would be the winner. Were I to go first and produce rain, I would be the winner. Were you to fail to produce rain, I would be the winner and were I to fail to produce rain, in the allotted time, you would be the winner. I am so confident that through the correct faith and practice of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra that I will prevail, I will let you pick who goes first. I can not allow you alone to pick the location because it would not be fair to choose a naturally arid area where it hasn't rained in 200 years and ask me to produce rain contrary to natural law. However, were you to choose such a place and you decided to go first, more power to you. I would have no objection. We should pick a location where there has been a lack of rain for months or years since the last meaningful rain and contrary to the usual weather patterns. The rain must be both meaningful and non destructive (not accompanied by ill winds, lightening, or floods).

Several years ago, I ultimately chose the Shasta area (of all the areas hit by drought) for the Buddhist prayer challenge for rain. I also stated the purpose was to relieve the sufferings caused by the dry conditions. I specifically chose this area to invite those "Buddhists" on E-Sangha, many of whom were from California to take part in the challenge. The readers of my blog and those on E-Sangha may remember this. Fires began within one day of the end of the time period I proposed for the Buddhist rain challenge. Neither the priests nor laypeople on E-Sangha, including a Shingon priest and various SGI members would take me up on my challenge. Then on SGIUnofficial, Don scampered away, tail between his legs, stating something to the effect, "I won, I'm going off to work and if I come back alive, I've won."

So much for, "Nothing, and no one, has ever defeated me, yet. I welcome worthy adversaries, for I already know the outcome."

SGI leaders are bombastic and they are cowards. They talk the talk but fail to walk the walk. It is time for the SGI leaders and members to put up or shut up about the SGI being the one true way of Buddhism.

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