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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Soon Reverend Nikke Shonin will be making available Nichiren's most beautiful [?] Gohonzon



  1. beautiful. count me !

  2. This is Nichiren's last known gohonzon if i am correct. ?

    Still love this one. :)


  3. Actually, I don't think it is the Shutei Gohonzon that is the principle Gohonzon bestowed by the Nichiren Shu but I could be wrong. Nikke will get the details on this Gohonzon.

  4. As are all Nichiren Gohonzons made by his own hand, this is a beautiful one. It does closely resemble one that I have titled Nichiren's last Gohonzon. Michael


  5. I messaged Sinyou, on his face book the other day, no answer as yet

    "When there was no copy machine, Gohonzon was hand-written by Hokke practitioner. Beautiful copied Gohonzon which is bestowed by the head temple was hand-written by one of the past top priests of Kempon Hokke, who was also famous as a calligrapher". Sinyou tsuchiya (sin)

    What can you tell me about this Gohonzon",i can see it is from Myomanji Temple which I know is the Kempon Hokke head Temple
