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Wednesday, March 26, 2014


By Stephen Paine on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at 4:00pm


  From my experience with this Buddhism because the forces to stop you are so powerful that if you do not keep a strong practice, lots of Odaimoku and study a lot, you will in the end lose your faith. I know Nichiren Buddhist that I thought would never quit, but I will tell you if you let your faith and practice slip, so shall you . .  

Moreover, the Maras are working overtime on those that would dare to open a place like this, and this is extraordinary because we had the mind to do it. Believe that! This is no small task we have taken on, we truly are the only place on earth that we know of that is working at the best of our ability to uphold the Lotus Sutra. So where then will all the persecution and adversity fall, that is right, on us.

So we should remember the principle of "Tenju kyoju" that when something appears to happen bad in our environment it is an illusion, and in the end if we keep this sutra the situation will find a fruitful outcome every time (a lessoning of the karmic retribution), this is the promise of the sutra if we keep our faith. But be sure, it will seem like things are all going to fall to the ground and come to an end, but if we hold firm with our faith and practice we will always prevail as Buddha teaches us.

Furthermore, to come to have such a mind of faith in this denigrated age of mappo is nothing but our deep connection to the the eternal Buddha; we should as Bodhisattva, and we are Bodhisattva if we uphold and protect this sutra; must know with all our heart we truly are of the same essence of Shakymuni Buddha; is this not a leap to a profound faith in the sutra as it teaches?  

However, Buddha and Nichiren warns us we must be-careful not to be snared by the eight winds. 

I have attempted to create a Lotus school based on the right doctrine and principles herein over and over; and I shall never stop, and many will always be on the sideline to criticize us, but they are fools and those that would listen to them shall fall with them. Why, it is because they have weak minds, and they are easily manipulated by those that wish our demise. And thus the maras know our weakest point, so it is easy for them to wreck our faith. This is why we need to develop strong roots, and create a community of believers that will set the foundation for future generations on the right doctrine, but we have to believe this is a command Buddha gave us. We need to awaken to who we really are and not be a victim of the brainwashing we have endured in our lives thus far by the madmen the run this world mundane.

The problem is most Nichiren Buddhist have joined in the crime of destroying this Buddhism, so they flourish with no adversity or persecution because they do not uphold the Dharma as the Lotus Sutra teaches. Yesterday I realize and I say this with great respect and admiration, and never to say Nichiren did not suffer unimaginable events and almost death many times; but our world is also dangerous, but in a more complex way. We have to be careful of those that have grown to hate us now in great numbers, working to destroy us, and now they can even use electronic means; they secretly hate Buddhism in this country, the hatred is vast and we have enemies that are growing in power, using government powers as they did during the time of Nichiren to persecute us. Those that think I talk about conspiracy do not follow what is really going on in the world, and do they call me a liar, a person almost killed and was jailed for my faith alone?

But I have seen that if you chant the Odaimoku strong and with absolute faith that your prayer has already been answered, and IF you are upholding this sutra that life moment of your prayer cannot be stopped!

Thus, your enemie's plans to hurt you will instantly be destroyed even though you may not be able to see it yet. Be sure this Lotus Sutra is the light of this world and most of these people are followers of the maras, they have been captured by this evil saha realm's eight winds of desire; and any escape will only come through this sutra that they try and destroy. But because of the principle of the "poison drum" Buddha saves them all even though the resist it, they are obedient by his great wisdom and mastery of the expedient means, though they cannot see it.  

Thus, are we not the only one's that can save the beings of this saha world by our geshu? Are we not then as the sutra states, "the true good friends of all living beings;"  . . and are they not also our good friends ultimately as Buddhism teaches, zenchishinki? So what then is there to fear, is this not already the Buddha's land by is advent and by his preaching of the Lotus Sutra?

So let us realize what we have done here is nothing but the Buddha's command by the sutra itself as so stated therein. We uphold the Lotus Sutra and we defend this tiny sangha with all our lives, and I shall let nothing destroy it before my bodily life ceases. This is my vow!

Namu Myoho renge kyo!
The Lotus Sutra Society
Stephen Paine

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