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Thursday, April 17, 2014

SGI's Gohonzon policy

SGI leader: Beyond that, I have been quite awake and have never once heard of any SGI leader trying to take anyone's Gohonzon.

Me: Navin Patel had his omamori Gohonzon taken and destroyed by an SGI leader. 
SGI leader: This statement is untrue, according to a witness to the incident:
Navin himself tore it, and threw it in the gutter. Now there were only two persons
present at the time. Granted, neither you nor I were there, and I'm not really
interested into getting into a 'Did not! Did too!' about it. Let's just suffice it to
say hat there is a different version of the story, which I heard in enough detail 
to shed significant doubt in my mind concerning the version you have posted. 
At any rate, my statement that I do not know of any case in which a Gakkai 
member or leader has "taken" someone's Gohonzon still stands. There is no 
instruction or policy of the SGI that teaches this, nor anything to be gained 
from doing so. Moreoever, neither Nichiren Daishonin nor the Lotus Sutra,
as far as I know, advocates the forceful usurping or destruction of religious 
objects. Anyone who thinks he or she is justified in carrying out such behavior 
is just plain stupid, in my estimation. Yet, again, I know of no one who has.
Me: What about the 30,000 Nikken Gohonzons that SGI members were coerced into returning and were subsequently burned? I also know of two people, one, a former SGI member and the other, an active SGI member who were given guidance to return or discard their non-SGI Gohonzon. Angela Pasaro has a copy of the so-called DaiGohonzon and Taiten and Proud has two copies of antique Nichiren inscribed Gohonzons. Neither had their Gohonzon destroyed nor did they discard them but it was and is prohibited for SGI members to go to their houses to chant to their non-SGI Gohonzons.

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