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Saturday, April 12, 2014

They will cause devils to enter into their Gohonzon and their lives.

From the "Myoho Mandara Kuyo Ji" by Nichiren Daishonin to a female believer: "I have written the Myoho Renge Kyo Gohonzon and consecrated it for you"

Therefore, the SGI argument, "Nichiren never taught the Eye Opening Ceremony for Gohonzon, so it is uneccessary", is false.
Nichiren also teaches:
"Unless a person who is well grounded (in Japanese, kokoroetaru-hito ) performs the eye opening ceremony (kaigen kuyo) it is like a thief entering a house where there is no master, or like when a person has demonic spirits enter his dead body ..{Without the eye opening} a devil enters and seizes and takes away the all the merit."
Those who posit "Nichiren as True Original Buddha", "the supremacy of one sole DaiGohonzon", or "one sole living priest or mentor in the seat of the Law", is not well grounded in the Lotus Sutra and they will cause devils to enter into their Gohonzon and into their lives.

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