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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Who ya gonna believe,..

Who ya gonna believe,..

....the emminent professor Richard Hayes, former Theravadan adept and current Quaker who maintains that one can only arrive at the pinnacle of Buddhist insight through the painstaking efforts of Tientai meditation and the study of the entire Pali and Sanskrit canon or Nichiren Daishonin who teaches that little old ladies who can barely hear or see can attain Buddhahood and become absolutely happy through the faith and practice of Namu Myoho renge kyo?

Should we listen to Dr. Hayes who gives us no hope, none whatsoever, or should we listen to Nichiren Daishonin who, by Mr. Hayes own admission, perused the entire Tripitaka five times, not to mention the extant Mahayana texts dozens of times and teaches us that the faith and practice of Namu Myoho renge kyo is absolutely sufficient for anyone to quickly attain Buddhahood? 

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