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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ends justifying the means is not Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism

The Expedient Means Chapter is one of the most important chapters of the Lotus Sutra. The Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin read this chapter differently than all the other great sages in the history of Lotus Sutra Buddhism. He read it correctly. He pointed out that the purpose of the Buddha in expounding the Expedient Means Chapter was not for praising expedient means but for abandoning them. The SGI [Ikeda] embraces the interpretation of expedient means as taught by the great sages Tientai and Dengyo appropriate for the Middle day of the Law, not the interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin appropriate for this Latter Day. SGI practices an ends justify the means outdated permutation of the Lotus Sutra rather than Nichiren Daishonin's teaching on the inseparability of means and ends [inseparability of cause and effect] appropriate for today.

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