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Monday, May 12, 2014

Nichiren says even deep faith is not enough

"[If] even one with deep faith does not rebuke the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, no matter what great good he may produce, even if he recites and copies the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand times, or perfects the way of contemplating the three thousand realms in one thought-moment, if he fails to rebuke the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, then it will be impossible for him to realize enlightenment. To illustrate, even if one has served the court for ten or twenty years, if, knowing of the ruler’s enemies, he fails to report them or to oppose them himself, then the merit of his service will all be lost and he will instead be guilty of a crime. You must understand that the people of today are slanderers of the Dharma. (Nanjõ Hyõe Shichirõ-dono gosho, STN 1: 321–22)20

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