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Thursday, May 1, 2014

SGI leaders are nothing more than smiling backstabbing liars.

"I told my Joint Territory Chief  on my opinions about dishonesty and how people who toady to Ikeda or treat him as if he were a faultless living Buddha are parasites in the Lion's bowels and not fit to call themselves his disciples much less disciples of Nichiren. He agreed with me. I would say exactly the same thing to any of the others -- at this point including the senior Japanese ones. I lost my fear and awe of the "senior Leaders" when I realized that the new crop were my age or younger." 

Not three months later, this brave Bodhisattva was excommunicated. So much for dialogue in the Soka Gakkai. So much for his Joint Territory Chief actually agreeing with him. SGI leaders are nothing more than smiling backstabbing liars.

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