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Friday, May 9, 2014

Soka Gakkai in violation of Japanese Religious Corporation Laws

1. Religious organizations that have religious buildings (keidai kensetsu 境内建設) in more than one prefecture fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education.
2. Within four months after the end of the fiscal year religious organizations are obliged to submit a list of executive staff members (yakuin meibo 役員名簿), an inventory of property (zaisan mokuroku 財産目録), a fiscal report (shūshi keisan sho 収支計算書), and information on hiring and renting (chinshaku taishōhyō 賃借対照表).
3. Religious organizations are obliged to give their members and other people with a legitimate interest access to this information.
4. Given certain suspicions, authorities can demand information from religious organizations and also question members. If it is necessary to enter the premises of the religious organizations for this purpose, authorities need the consent of a representative of the organization (Hara and Takamatsu 1996, 14–16; for detailed accounts in English see Lo Breglio 1997;

Soka Gakkai, in particular, has repeatedly failed to comply with the Law as evidenced by zero public statistical and financial data on the cult.

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