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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Real Sangha for Independents and the Real Ryuei

The Real Sangha for Independents and the Real Ryuei

The Good Rev. Ryuei angrily calls a mentally defective but sincere seeker of the way, "You son of a bitch", for likening Jesus to a great destroyer of the Dharma. and of course, on Don's website, the poor, sincere, and in this case CORRECT mentally defective person is reprimanded for his comment about Jesus and I am thrown off for taking Ryuei to task. Don's world of the Sangha for Independents is a topsy turvy world of all that is NOT Nichiren. Do not be fooled. Ryuei is the Nichiren Shu equivalent of Don. Not all independents are so very deluded nor are all Nichiren Shu priests and believers. It is a minefield out there and we must tread very carefully. Study the Sutra and the Gosho very carefully.

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