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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Last will and testament to my dear readers.

I am shocked by what I read from the Nichiren Sangha and it takes a lot to shock me. Outside of those who were in Iraq, Syria, Afganistan, and in active war zones, over the last thirty years, few people have seen more trauma than I during the New York City crack war [1987 -1991]. The reason this war ended was because most of the combatants died or became so ill they couldn't carry on.

I see parallels between the Nichiren Sangha war and the crack war. In both cases, the combatants are poisoned by greed and ego. Few listen to the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin.

A few questions for my dear readers:

1). Who is the Great Teacher to whom Nichiren instructed us to receive guidance?
2). What is the faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day?
3). What does the Lotus Sutra say about illness?
4). What does Nichiren Daishonin say about illness.

The Lotus Sutra states in Chapter 21:

"When they had seen these things, they were all filled with great joy, having gained what they had never had before. At the time the heavenly beings in the midst of the sky cried out with loud voices, saying: "Beyond these immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya worlds there is a land named saha, and in it a Buddha named Shakyamuni. Now for the sake of the bodhisattvas and mahasattvas he is preaching in his sutra of the Great Vehicle called the Lotus of the Wonderful Law., a Law to instruct the bodhisattvas, one that is guarded and kept in mind by the Buddhas. You must respond with joy from the depths of your heart, and also offer obeisance and alms to Shakyamuni Buddha!"

When the various living beings heard the voices in the sky, they pressed their palms together, faced the saha world, and spoke these words: "Hail, Shakyamuni Buddha! Hail, Shakyamuni Buddha!"

Then they took different kinds of flowers, incense, necklaces, banners and canopies, as well as the ornaments, rare jewels and other wonderful articles that adorned their persons, and all together scattered them far off in the direction of the saha world. The objects thus scattered poured in from the ten directions like clouds gathering together. Then they changed into a jeweled curtain that completely covered the area where the Buddhas were. At that time the worlds in the ten directions were opened up so that there was unobstructed passage from one to the other and they were like a single Buddha land.

At that time the Buddha spoke to Superior Practices and the others in the great assembly of bodhisattvas, saying: "The supernatural powers of the Buddhas, as you have seen, are immeasurable, boundless, inconceivable. If in the process of entrusting this sutra to others I were to employ these supernatural powers for a measurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya kalpas to describe the benefits of the sutra, I could never finish doing so. To put it briefly, all the doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One, the storehouse of all the secret essentials of the Thus Come One - all these are proclaimed, revealed, and clearly expounded in this sutra.

For this reason, after the Thus Come One has entered extinction, you must single-mindedly accept, uphold, read, recite, explain, preach and transcribe it, and practice it as directed. In any of the various lands, wherever there are those who accept, uphold, read, recite, explain, preach, transcribe, or practice it as directed, or wherever the sutra rolls are preserved, whether in a garden, a forest, beneath a tree, in monks quarters, in the lodgings of white-robed laymen, in palaces, or in mountain valleys or the wide wilderness, in all these places one should erect towers and offer alms. Why? Because you should understand that such spots are places of religious practice. In such places have the Buddhas gained anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, in such places have the Buddhas turn the wheel of the Law, in such places have the Buddhas entered parinirvana."

Then, referring to Nichiren Daishonin, we read:

"After the Thus Come One has passed into extinction,
this person will know the sutras preached by the Buddha,
their causes and conditions and their proper sequence,
and will preach them truthfully in accordance with principle.
As the light of the sun and moon
can vanish all obscurity and gloom,
so this person as he passes through the world
can wipe out the darkness of living beings,
causing immeasurable numbers of bodhisattvas
in the end to dwell in the single vehicle."

It tears me up to see the Nichiren war. If one embraces the Lotus Sutra by chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo to the Gohonzon and receives guidance from the Original Buddha one will certainly attain Buddhahood. This is what both the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach. Why should I have to even remind anyone? I'm getting tired. You all had better begin to follow the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren before anyone or anything else. Were I to die tonight, you may look upon this post as my last will and testament to you.


  1. What a Hypocrite you are Mark. All day long on this website you Rant about the SGI's not practicing correctly and urge everyone to practice according to Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra, while you do not. I know that you are a meat-eater and have often encouraged you to adopt a Vegan Diet in accord with the teachings of Nichrden and the Lotus Sutra. Shakyamuni says:
    “How then, after my nirvana, can you eat the flesh of living beings and so pretend to be my disciple? You should know that those who eat meat, though their minds may open and realize a semblance of Samadhi, are but great raksasas [blood-drinking, flesh-eating demons] who, after this life, will sink back into the bitter ocean of samsara and cannot be my disciples.”
    Nichiren says:
    “When the Buddha appeared in this world, he made compassion for living beings his basis. And as an expression of compassion for living beings, not to take life and to provide sustenance for the living are the most important precept."
    (“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)
    So, there you have it. Shakyamuuni tells us that all living beings are his children and that anyone who eats meat is not his disciple ie...Not a Buddhist! So, as long as you continue to eat the Buddha's children everyday, YOU ARE NOT A BUDDHIST!

  2. Nichiren didn't even reject those believers who killed human beings for a living [warriors] but you reject even those who eat dead flesh. Who is it that lacks compassion?
