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Saturday, May 17, 2014

The staying power of the Eagle Peak Blog

Nichiren blogs come and go. My blog [Eagle Peak, the incarnation of first the Kempon Hokke Blog and then the Lotus Sutra Revealing the Original Buddha Blog] has been running continuously since 2008. We are celebrating our sixth year. There have been many ups and downs. At one time we had nearly 1000 views a day. At one time, we fell to less than 50 views a day. We stand at upwards of 300 views a day from around the world. When the blog was realizing 1000 views a day, we had upwards of ten comments a day by more than five different readers. SGI members wrote to me continuously for years, Clown Hidden, CL, Soka Lion, TSL [Top Senior Leader] Laurie, even Ian McIlraith. Their arguments were crushed by the weight of the words of the Lotus Sutra, of Nichiren, of their own Sensei and leaders, and by Buddhist logic. Then they stopped coming around, save for a hit here and there where too, they faired poorly.

What is the reason for the staying power of the Eagle Peak blog? First and foremost is my continuous faith in the Lotus Sutra and the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin in the face of the Eight Winds. Then there is my conviction that the way to realize the Buddha's Land is to confront head on the evil teachers and teachings that have proliferated and polluted the Great Pure Law. Lastly, it is the continued support of you, my readers, interested in hearing the viewpoint of a scriptural Buddhist in the mold of the Master Nichiren [or so I would like to think]. 

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