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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Esho Funi [onenness of person and the environment]

Who or what one devotes oneself to determines one's identity. Since SGI members devote themselves to Ikeda, a greedy liar, they become greedy liars. Another example is a crack or crank addict who devotes themselves to smoking crack or crank. Such a one ends up dead, diseased, or in jail. The devotees of Manson ended up in jail. The devotees of Ikeda invariably end up disillusioned, unhappy, and with many regrets [for their greed and lies]. On the other hand, those who devote themselves to helping others, mastering an instrument, or following the wise, for example, attain varying degrees of fulfillment and benefit to society. 

How many of us have lied for Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai? How many of us overextended ourselves to reveal actual proof, only to have suffered some loss [financial, psychological, or spiritual]? I feel sorry for SGI members and the non-salaried leaders. I wish to protect others from suffering at the hands of these heretics. For this reason I continue to speak out about the Soka Gakkai. I have been doing so for the better part of 17 years. 

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