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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

GWT wrote and Wakatta responds

GWT wrote:

You know, after reading many of these posts, I'm wondering a few things, and one of those things is "how much do any of you have really read the Gosho, how many of you have any real understanding of the cultural and historical context in which modern day Nichiren Buddhism is framed, how much do you know about the role of one mentor out of the three mentors, and if any of you know exactly how karma works and where is springs from? 

Wakatta responds:

With that lead-in, you're going to have an interesting career on these pages my friend. Please don't underestimate the grit of those silently lurking here, you may learn more about buddhism than you might expect. 

I would advise that instead of attributing the things folks are saying here to "just griping" by a bunch of Taitan backsliders, you might consider that many of them have struggled long and hard with your organization and have simply decided it makes no sense to throw good money after bad. 

Call whoever you like but in the end, SGI is SGI. All the hyperbole and savant arguments cannot camoflage the organization's core set of problems. 

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