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Saturday, June 28, 2014

How do Japanese non-members view the Soka Gakkai [please see P. 272]


  1. From this same article scroll down to page 279 to read that despite having little effect on the public as a whole, there is ample evidence to show the profound effect on Soka Gakkai members of the Soka Gakkai’s campaigns of both transforming the individual personalities of its individual followers and offering them and the general public broad peace and environmental educational programs.

    It’s almost as if this article shows that practicing Nichiren Buddhism within the Soka Gakkai provides benefit to members. [Maybe if a much larger percentage of the Japanese people followed the Soka Gakkai's practice of Nichiren Buddhism, they could secure the peace of the land]

    And although this post and the link to page 272 focusses on the Japanese public’s distrust, or lack of knowledge about the effectiveness of the Soka Gakkai, outside of negative stories in the press, scrolling down to the author’s conclusion on page 281 we find that:

    “ Because the Gakkai maintained close private ties with China even during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, it could and did act as a go-between of the Chinese and Japanese governments, which finally recognized each other in 1972 (Metraux 1984). Further, through its strong support for Article 9 and its publication of stories concerning atrocities committed by Japanese troops in World War II, Soka Gakkai has earned the trust of neighboring states and can play an important role in improving relations between them and Japan.”

    Many thanks for linking to this article Mark and the author's finding that the Soka Gakkai has played a key role and continues to make efforts to improve relations, and build closer ties, between Japan and China and also with other Asian countries.

  2. They caved in on Article 9. My point was not how this one shill sociologist viewed the Gakkai but how they are viewed by the Japanese people. The Soka Gakkai was also instrumental in ending the Vietnam war, tearing down the Berlin wall and, Mitsubichi heavy industrials, their partner, abandoning new and more effective missle guidance systems and cluster bombs....NOT.

    The ruthless dictator and Mao supporter Zhou Enlai helped orchestrate the Chinese Revolution which killed many millions of people. All Ikeda did was stroke this despot for a photo-op. Ikeda wielded no power and the terminally ill Zhou, little power in securing Japan's short rapproachment with China, regardless of what Metreax or any sociologist states. More SGI BS propaganda without a shred of evidence and not one important document to the effect, only Metraeux's opinion and SGI BS propaganda.
