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Monday, June 9, 2014

SGI Florida Nature and Culture Center [FNCC]

I haven't been to the SGI FNCC but I have been to several SGI cult training seminars at their center in Trets France. If you go like a good little Ikedabot fanatic with doubt free faith in the SGI, everything is smooth and cordial. If you go with many questions or doubts, you will be taken aside for intensive retraining. I would bet that every single group had a facilitator and the facilitators all tow the SGI party line to a T.

I have a suggestion. The next time you go to FNCC, air your grievances or better yet, write out every question you have about the SGI faith and practice, the Lotus Sutra, and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin in a notebook. By the time you finish writing down your questions, you should have more than a thousand. Then, seek out the answers from your leaders as if your life depended on it [which it does]. See how many of those questions are answered. Check them off. Write down the answers next to the questions. See how many questions are answered to your satisfaction.

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