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Friday, June 20, 2014

Then they admonish you for failing to say NO.

Then, if you complain that you couldn't make the rent or the mortgage [after the hard sell], they admonish you for failing to say NO. 

1 comment:

  1. Re: Soka Gakkai International -- SGI
    Posted by: tsukimoto ()
    Date: June 19, 2012 03:28AM

    Then, if you complain that you couldn't make the rent or the mortgage [after the hard sell], they admonish you for failing to say no.


    This made me think of Von, a former YMD who posted on page 54 of this thread. He was a young man, struggling to make ends meet in Los Angeles, and his leaders urged him to spend his last dollar on going to a big NSA convention. They told him that he needed to have faith and just spend everything he had on this convention -- that he'd break through his bad financial karma if he made a good cause like this.

    He did so -- and ended up homeless when he returned from the convention. Of course, the leaders who'd urged him to spend his rent money on plane fare to the convention -- had no concern and no help for him.

    ---------------------beginning of quote---------------------------------------------------------------------

    From page 54 of this thread:


    So this was sometime in the [end of summer '87?] when I returned to LA after a weekend in Seattle with the NSA YMD for this big convention/celebration/promo display that we did. And common sense would tell you, that after giving almost every dime I had to NSA for the trip ... with the rent due ... and all of my roommates (timing, Murphys Law) simultaneously moving out from our house ...

    .. that I would have nothing when I arrived back. And of course thats exactly what happened.

    Well ... I got back to LA and [sic] had no money for the rent. No money to find a new place to live. And with all of my family on the other side of the country, and not long term friends in LA that would take me in ....
    I had no place to go.

    At 23 years old: all of a sudden I was homeless in LA.

    And SGI was just about all I had. How did they respond?

    NSA turned thier backs on me.

    Members of my District knew what was going on ... but down to a person as I recall they had nothing of value for me to add other than "This is your karma, chant more" and "Do your human revolution" and other such platitudes.
    ------------------------------------end of quote------------------------------------------------------------------------
